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“Their Voice Should Be Allowed to Be Heard:” The Rhetorical Power of the University of New Mexico’s Bilingual Student Newspaper
Rhetoric Review ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07350198.2020.1735687
Elizabeth Leahy

Abstract In 1902, the congressional sub-committee on territories visited New Mexico to assess its fitness for statehood. Their subsequent report recommended against statehood, in part because too much Spanish was spoken throughout the territory. This historical moment provided a rhetorical exigency for the students at the University of New Mexico to use their student newspaper as a site for negotiating citizenship in a border space. By incorporating Spanish into their English-language newspaper, these students challenged monolingual notions of literacy and advocated for a multilingual understanding of American citizenship.



摘要 1902 年,国会领土问题小组委员会访问了新墨西哥州,以评估其是否适合建州。他们随后的报告建议不要建州,部分原因是整个领土上讲的西班牙语太多。这一历史时刻为新墨西哥大学的学生提供了一种修辞上的紧迫性,他们将学生报纸用作在边境空间谈判公民身份的网站。通过将西班牙语纳入他们的英文报纸,这些学生挑战了单一语言的识字观念,并倡导对美国公民的多语言理解。