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Situating Agency in the Memoirs of Mass Incarceration
Rhetoric Review Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07350198.2019.1690374
David Coogan

ABSTRACT Agency in prison writing is often theorized as resistance to the material conditions of incarceration and the ideological forces of the State. Situating agency in the larger history of mass incarceration (1970 – 2010) and in the memoirs of those who lived through it, however, shifts the focus from the prison writer as subject resisting an oppressive system and toward the prison writer as rhetor navigating the changing discourses and material conditions of mass incarceration in registers of agency that include resistance, self-determination, and recovery.



摘要 监狱写作中的代理往往被理论化为对监禁的物质条件和国家意识形态力量的抵抗。然而,将代理置于更广泛的大规模监禁历史(1970 年至 2010 年)和经历过它的人的回忆录中,将焦点从监狱作家作为抵抗压迫制度的主体转向监狱作家作为驾驭不断变化的修辞者机构登记册中大规模监禁的话语和物质条件,包括抵抗、自决和康复。