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Blood on the Square: Perspectives on Revolutionary Violence and Disorder in 1905 Ekaterinburg
Revolutionary Russia ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09546545.2016.1172749
Dakota Irvin

On 19 October 1905, a group of protestors gathered on Ekaterinburg’s central square to rally against the recently promulgated October Manifesto of Tsar Nicholas II. They were met by a group of armed monarchist counter-demonstrators and violence quickly erupted, leading to two deaths and dozens of serious injuries. This ‘pogrom,’ part of a wider outbreak of violence across the Russian Empire in October 1905, shook the city and presented a serious challenge to local authorities, which sought to maintain order and safety. Based on research in Ekaterinburg’s archives and libraries, this article investigates the varying reactions to the violence, with consideration of both official and popular perspectives. What emerges is a rich picture of the events of the Revolution of 1905 in the provinces, which illuminates how city institutions and residents formed a united front to denounce the violence and local representatives of the autocracy.


广场上的鲜血:对 1905 年叶卡捷琳堡革命暴力和混乱的看法

1905 年 10 月 19 日,一群抗议者聚集在叶卡捷琳堡的中央广场,集会反对最近颁布的沙皇尼古拉二世十月宣言。他们遇到了一群武装的君主主义反示威者,暴力事件迅速爆发,导致两人死亡,数十人重伤。这场“大屠杀”是 1905 年 10 月整个俄罗斯帝国爆发更广泛暴力事件的一部分,震动了这座城市,并对试图维持秩序和安全的地方当局提出了严峻挑战。基于对叶卡捷琳堡档案馆和图书馆的研究,本文调查了对暴力的不同反应,同时考虑了官方和大众的观点。出现的是 1905 年各省革命事件的丰富图景,