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Revolutionary Russia ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09546545.2019.1693137
Matthew Rendle , Aaron B. Retish

Historians of Russia have been blessed by a plethora of centenary commemorations; starting many years ago now with reassessments of 1905, attention moved on to the First World War and, recently, the February and October Revolutions. Numerous exhibitions, conferences and publications in 2017 served to review and, in some cases, reassess our understanding of the key year in the Russian Revolution. Although it is possible to query how far any of these activities changed our knowledge of the fundamental developments, there seems little doubt that greater light was thrown on the nuances of the revolutionary year, and the event garnered a level of attention in the public sphere that has probably been unmatched in Russia since 1991 and has probably never been matched abroad since the event itself. Last year – 2019 – saw the centenary of one of the most crucial years of Russia’s civil war when the Bolsheviks faced military threats from all directions, particularly advances from the east (led by Admiral Kolchak) and the south (General Denikin), as well as growing political and social unrest from within their own territories as harsh material conditions, conscription and food requisitioning, among other issues, fuelled dissent and resistance. It was – as one historian phrased it – the ‘year of the Whites’, when the fate of the October Revolution seemed far from certain to contemporaries and historians contemplate a conflict in the balance. Yet the centenary of the civil war is not so easy to commemorate, lacking the neat dates of 1917 that focused attention on February and October. Instead, the key dates of a conflict lasting several years are known only to historians, and for that matter often only to historians with an interest in military affairs. Consequently, there have been far fewer exhibitions, conferences and publications, particularly outside of Russia. There have been notable exceptions, of course. The flagship modern historical museum in Moscow, the Museum of Contemporary History, organized an exhibition in 2018 that matched a similarly high-profile one on 1917 in 2017. The title, ‘Three Colours of Truth’, was intended to convey the contested nature of the civil war. Gone were the sharp binaries of Red and White, good and bad, of the Soviet era; instead, the exhibition highlighted Red, White, and Green – the three colours – and explored how participants even transcended these political, military and social divides, fighting on various sides at different times, with all sides committing morally indefensible acts and with many people simply struggling to survive. Another major exhibition sponsored by the State Public Historical Library took a similar line, exploring



俄罗斯的历史学家受到了众多百年纪念活动的祝福。从多年前对 1905 年的重新评估开始,注意力转向第一次世界大战,以及最近的二月和十月革命。2017 年的众多展览、会议和出版物有助于回顾并在某些情况下重新评估我们对俄罗斯革命关键年份的理解。尽管可以质疑这些活动中的任何一项在多大程度上改变了我们对基本发展的认识,但似乎毫无疑问的是,革命年的细微差别得到了更多的关注,并且该事件在公共领域引起了一定程度的关注自 1991 年以来,在俄罗斯可能是无与伦比的,并且自事件本身以来,可能从未在国外被匹配过。去年,也就是 2019 年,是俄罗斯内战最关键年份之一的百年纪念,当时布尔什维克面临来自四面八方的军事威胁,特别是来自东部(由高尔察克海军上将领导)和南部(邓尼金将军)的进攻,以及其领土内的政治和社会动荡日益加剧,物质条件恶劣,征兵和粮食征用等问题助长了异议和抵抗。正如一位历史学家所说的那样,那是“白人年”,当时十月革命的命运似乎远未确定,同时代的人和历史学家都在考虑平衡冲突。然而,内战一百周年并不那么容易纪念,因为缺少 1917 年将注意力集中在 2 月和 10 月的简洁日期。反而,持续数年的冲突的关键日期只有历史学家知道,因此通常只有对军事事务感兴趣的历史学家知道。因此,展览、会议和出版物的数量要少得多,尤其是在俄罗斯以外。当然,也有明显的例外。莫斯科的旗舰现代历史博物馆,当代历史博物馆,于 2018 年举办了一场展览,与 2017 年在 1917 年举办的同样备受瞩目的展览相匹配。 标题“真相的三种颜色”旨在传达有争议的性质内战。苏联时代的红白两色,好与坏,已经一去不复返了;相反,展览突出了红色、白色和绿色——三种颜色——并探索了参与者如何超越这些政治、军事和社会分歧,在不同的时间里,各方都在战斗,各方都犯下了道义上站不住脚的行为,许多人只是为了生存而挣扎。另一个由国家公共历史图书馆主办的大型展览也采取了类似的方式,探索