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The Non-Geometric Carter Elwood (1936–2018): An Appreciation by Lars T. Lih
Revolutionary Russia ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09546545.2018.1543380
Lars T. Lih 1

[On 22 September 2018, Carter Elwood, a Distinguished Research Professor at Carleton University, died of complications in Ottawa following an accident. Professor Elwood was born in Chicago in 1936, raised in Rochester, and educated at the Loomis School in Windsor, Conn., Dartmouth College, the University of Edinburgh, and Columbia University, where he received his PhD in Russian history in 1969. He taught briefly at the University of Virginia and the University of Alberta before coming to Carleton in 1968 where he taught Russian history until 2017. He held visiting research appointments at St. Antony’s College (Oxford), Fribourg University (Switzerland), the London School of Economics, and Harvard University. During the course of this research he published or edited nine books including The Non-Geometric Lenin (London, 2011). His biography of Inessa Armand (Cambridge, 1992 and 2002) won the Heldt Prize for the best work on an aspect of Russian women’s history. He served as the editor or associated editor of the Canadian Slavonic Papers (1975–85), as the general editor of fifteen volumes of papers emerging from the III Congress of Soviet and East European Studies held in 1985, and as a long-serving editorial board member of Revolutionary Russia. He was the recipient of four awards for outstanding undergraduate teaching and served as Chair of the History Department at Carleton from 1982 to 1995.]


非几何 Carter Elwood (1936–2018):Lars T. Lih 的鉴赏

[2018 年 9 月 22 日,卡尔顿大学杰出研究教授 Carter Elwood 在渥太华发生事故后死于并发症。埃尔伍德教授 1936 年出生于芝加哥,在罗彻斯特长大,先后在康涅狄格州温莎的卢米斯学校、达特茅斯学院、爱丁堡大学和哥伦比亚大学接受教育,并于 1969 年获得俄罗斯历史博士学位。他任教他曾在弗吉尼亚大学和阿尔伯塔大学短暂任职,1968 年来到卡尔顿,在那里他教授俄罗斯历史直到 2017 年。他在圣安东尼学院(牛津)、弗里堡大学(瑞士)、伦敦经济学院担任访问研究任命,和哈佛大学。在这项研究过程中,他出版或编辑了九本书,包括《非几何列宁》(伦敦,2011 年)。他的 Inessa Armand 传记(剑桥,1992 年和 2002 年)获得了赫尔特奖,以表彰其在俄罗斯妇女历史方面的最佳作品。他曾担任加拿大斯拉夫论文(1975-85)的编辑或副主编,担任 1985 年第三次苏联和东欧研究大会上发表的十五卷论文的总编辑,并长期担任编辑俄罗斯革命委员会成员。他因出色的本科教学获得四项奖项,并于 1982 年至 1995 年担任卡尔顿历史系系主任。] 作为 1985 年举行的第三次苏联和东欧研究大会上发表的十五卷论文的总编辑,并作为革命俄罗斯的长期编辑委员会成员。他因出色的本科教学获得四项奖项,并于 1982 年至 1995 年担任卡尔顿历史系系主任。] 作为 1985 年举行的第三次苏联和东欧研究大会上发表的十五卷论文的总编辑,并作为革命俄罗斯的长期编辑委员会成员。他因出色的本科教学获得四项奖项,并于 1982 年至 1995 年担任卡尔顿历史系系主任。]