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Critical pedagogy and the purpose of educational research in an age of “alternative facts”
Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-20 , DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2019.1570791
Tricia M. Kress

On November 8, 2016 Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States of America. People like myself on the left side of the political spectrum, were largely blindsided. Trump is a blowhard, a bully, a conman, a racist, misogynist and a xenophobe, and it seemed inconceivable that he would be elected. This isn’t to say that I thought someone who held discriminatory views of diverse peoples could not feasibly be elected into office. We live in a colonial, patriarchal, Eurocentric nation birthed in genocide and slavery (Grande 2004), and this history continues to shape lives as racism and androcentrism are structurally embedded in U.S. culture and social institutions (Patel 2015). It was also conceivable that a person who lies would be elected President. History has shown that presidents do lie or bend the truth to some degree. One only needs to conjure up memories of Richard Nixon and Watergate, Ronald Reagan and Iran-Contra, or Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Still, I believed in the importance of facts for informing how people cast their ballots. Furthermore, as a researcher and educator, my livelihood and my professional commitments depend on facts. Truthfulness and accuracy are crucial for my credibility as an expert. For these reasons, I could not believe that a man who held a clear disregard for facts would be elected by an informed public. According to Politifact (2018), during the first two years of Trump’s presidency 69% of Trump’s statements were mostly to completely false, whereas only 16% of the time his statements were mostly or completely true, and 15% of the time, they were half true. In contrast, Hillary Clinton’s scorecard on Politifact showed her statements as 50% mostly or all true, 23% half true, and only 26% mostly or completely false. Although both candidates were deeply flawed, albeit in different ways, I still believed that facts would play a significant role in the outcome of the election. Yet, here we are, with not just a politician who sometimes lies but a liar who is sometimes a politician in our most important government office. In Trump’s world, facts don’t mean much, public opinion is more important (but not all public opinions, just the ones that affirm his opinions and



On November 8, 2016 Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States of America. 像我这样处于政治光谱左侧的人,在很大程度上被蒙蔽了。Trump is a blowhard, a bully, a conman, a racist, misogynist and a xenophobe, and it seemed inconceivable that he would be elected. 这并不是说我认为持有不同人民的歧视性观点的人无法被选为办公室。我们生活在一个以种族灭绝和奴隶制诞生的殖民、父权制、以欧洲为中心的国家(Grande 2004),随着种族主义和男性中心主义在结构上嵌入美国文化和社会制度,这段历史继续影响着人们的生活(Patel 2015)。It was also conceivable that a person who lies would be elected President. 历史表明,总统确实在某种程度上撒谎或歪曲事实。人们只需要唤起对理查德·尼克松和水门事件、罗纳德·里根和伊朗反对派,或比尔·克林顿和莫妮卡·莱温斯基的回忆。尽管如此,我仍然相信事实对于告知人们如何投票的重要性。此外,作为一名研究人员和教育工作者,我的生计和我的专业承诺取决于事实。真实性和准确性对于我作为专家的可信度至关重要。由于这些原因,我无法相信一个明显无视事实的人会被知情的公众选举出来。根据 Politifact(2018 年),在特朗普担任总统的头两年里,特朗普 69% 的言论大部分是完全错误的,而只有 16% 的时间他的言论大部分或完全真实,15% 的时间,他们是一半是真的。相比之下,希拉里克林顿在 Politifact 上的记分卡显示,她的陈述有 50% 大部分或全部正确,23% 一半正确,只有 26% 大部分或完全错误。尽管两位候选人都存在严重缺陷,尽管方式不同,但我仍然相信事实会在选举结果中发挥重要作用。然而,我们在这里,不仅有一个有时会撒谎的政客,还有一个有时是我们最重要的政府办公室里的政客的骗子。在特朗普的世界里,事实没有多大意义,民意更重要(但不是所有民意,只是那些肯定他的观点和 我们在这里,不仅是有时会撒谎的政客,还有有时是我们最重要的政府办公室中的政客的骗子。在特朗普的世界里,事实没有多大意义,民意更重要(但不是所有民意,只是那些肯定他的观点和 我们在这里,不仅是有时会撒谎的政客,还有有时是我们最重要的政府办公室中的政客的骗子。在特朗普的世界里,事实没有多大意义,民意更重要(但不是所有民意,只是那些肯定他的观点和