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“O my friends, there is no friend”: Friendship & risking relational (im)possibilities in the classroom
Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies Pub Date : 2019-03-15 , DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2019.1654349
Scott Jarvie

In a recent piece in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Rob Jenkins defines his relationship with his students: “I’m not your boss, your parent, or your BFF. I’m your professor.” His is a sentiment long echoed by teachers asserting their classroom authority and upholding the singular relationship of teacher and student over and against other ways of relating. As a teacher myself, I’m not sure how to square that with, as just one example, this letter from a former student (see Figure 1), who did not hesitate to call me his friend (or mock me) in expressing his appreciation:



在 The Chronicle of Higher Education 最近的一篇文章中,Rob Jenkins 定义了他与学生的关系:“我不是你的老板、你的父母或你的好朋友。我是你的教授。” 他的这种情绪长期以来得到教师们的呼应,他们主张自己的课堂权威,并坚持教师和学生之间的独特关系,而不是其他联系方式。作为一名老师,我不知道如何将其与一位前学生的来信(参见图 1)相提并论,他毫不犹豫地称我为他的朋友(或嘲笑我)以表达他的观点。欣赏: