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The Body of Language and the Language of the Body
Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08905762.2020.1748422
Guillermo Sucre , Tom J. Lewis

“Against silence and noise I invent theWord, a liberty which each day invents itself and invents me,”Octavio Paz writes in the prologue to his book Libertad bajo palabra (1960; Freedom on Parole), meaning that the invention of a language, which is self-inventing, invents the poet—a dialectical but circular (or circular but dialectical) progression that never seems to achieve resolution in synthesis. It is amovement that is nearly infinite—per petuummobile—and because of that, immobile; it is a system of pluralities in which one term refers to another termwhich itself refers back to the first term, and in so doingmodifies its meaning. So opposites complement without being resolved; and, since there is no resolution, vertigo sets in. InapoemfromLadera este (1969; Eastern Slope), Paz says, “The spirit / is an invention of the body / The body / Is an invention of the world / The world / is an invention of the spirit.” This poem obviously posits endless, vertiginous movement subject to a system of circular, stabilizing relationships. In this same book, Paz refers to Rimbaud, wondering if the task of the poet does not consist in stabilizing vertigoes. What he implies is that stabilization itself becomes vertiginous. How does one stabilize vertigo without first stabilizing language (or silence, as Rimbaud himself proposed)? Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, Issue 100, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2020, 15–20



奥克塔维奥·帕斯 (Octavio Paz) 在他的书 Libertad bajo palabra (1960; 假释自由) 的序言​​中写道:“我发明了语言来对抗沉默和噪音,一种每天都在自我创造和创造我的自由,这意味着语言的发明,是自我发明的,是诗人的发明——一种辩证的但循环的(或循环但辩证的)进程,似乎从未在综合中实现解决。运动几乎是无限的——每个 petuummobile——因此,不动;它是一个复数系统,其中一个术语指代另一个术语,而另一个术语本身又指回第一个术语,并因此修改了其含义。所以对立互补而不被解决;而且,由于没有解决方案,眩晕开始了。 Paz 说,来自 Ladera este (1969; Eastern Slope) 的 Inapoem,“精神/是身体的发明/身体/是世界的发明/世界/是精神的发明。” 显然,这首诗将无尽的、令人眩晕的运动置于一个循环的、稳定的关系系统之下。在同一本书中,帕斯提到兰波,想知道诗人的任务是否不在于稳定眩晕。他的意思是,稳定本身变得令人眩晕。如何在不首先稳定语言(或沉默,正如兰波本人所提议的)的情况下稳定眩晕?评论:美洲文学与艺术,第 100 期,卷。53, No. 1, 2020, 15-20 想知道诗人的任务是否不在于稳定眩晕。他的意思是,稳定本身变得令人眩晕。如何在不首先稳定语言(或沉默,正如兰波本人所提议的)的情况下稳定眩晕?评论:美洲文学与艺术,第 100 期,卷。53, No. 1, 2020, 15-20 想知道诗人的任务是否不在于稳定眩晕。他的意思是,稳定本身变得令人眩晕。如何在不首先稳定语言(或沉默,正如兰波本人所提议的)的情况下稳定眩晕?评论:美洲文学与艺术,第 100 期,卷。53, No. 1, 2020, 15-20