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Reality bites: implementing arts integration
Research in Dance Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2020.1727873
Ralph Buck , Barbara Snook

ABSTRACT This article speaks to classroom reality issues that may supersede any ideals, funding and expectations. We document a journey regarding the implementation of arts integration for six teachers in a small rural school in New Zealand. Arts Integration is a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning that employs arts activities to teach concepts in other subject areas where the focus is on the arts learning processes that are transferable across different disciplines and less so on the artistic product. Our definition aligns with that of the John F. Kennedy Center ‘Arts Integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form’. Arts Integration can be a difficult concept to understand and for teachers who have possibly avoided teaching any arts subjects in the past, it is a whole new pedagogical approach to teaching. All is laid bare as we document our research in an attempt to understand and share the reality of the difficulties that are involved in such an undertaking. We identify some of the issues that ‘bit’ us as we pursued a research project rich in pedagogical potential and full of threats concerning issues around change in the classroom.



摘要 本文讨论了可能会取代任何理想、资金和期望的课堂现实问题。我们记录了新西兰一所小型乡村学校的六名教师实施艺术融合的旅程。艺术整合是一种教与学的教学方法,它利用艺术活动教授其他学科领域的概念,其中重点是可以跨不同学科转移的艺术学习过程,而不是艺术产品。我们的定义与约翰肯尼迪中心的定义一致“艺术整合是一种教学方法,学生通过一种艺术形式构建和展示理解”。艺术整合可能是一个难以理解的概念,对于过去可能避免教授任何艺术科目的教师来说,这是一种全新的教学方法。当我们记录我们的研究以试图理解和分享此类工作所涉及的困难的现实时,一切都暴露无遗。当我们从事一项具有丰富教学潜力且充满威胁的研究项目时,我们确定了一些“困扰”我们的问题。