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Development of a performance evaluation tool to track progress in an inclusive dance syllabus
Research in Dance Education Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2020.1746256
Sarah C. Needham-Beck 1 , Imogen. J. Aujla 2


The lack of systematic training available for young dancers with disabilities has previously presented a barrier for those wishing to develop their skills and pursue a career in dance. Recently, a number of initiatives have launched to help bridge this gap; however, currently no established assessment measures exist that are sensitive to the needs of young dancers with disabilities while providing evidence of their competencies. The aim of this study was to develop a performance evaluation tool to allow tracking of progress in technique and performance skills in young dancers with a range of physical and/or intellectual disabilities. The tool allows scoring on a Likert-type scale on eleven criteria, including control of movement, coordination, spatial awareness, timing and rhythm, and surface or partner work. Six dancers were filmed during classes to allow retrospective evaluation of their performance by four judges. Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) for inter-rater and test–retest reliability demonstrated good reliability. Inconsistencies in scoring reduced and ICCs strengthened when trial one was removed from analysis; therefore, a familiarisation trial is recommended for future uses of this tool. Overall, this appears to be a reliable tool for evaluating elements of dance technique and performance in young dancers with disabilities.




以前,残疾年轻舞者缺乏系统的培训,这对那些希望发展自己的技能并从事舞蹈事业的人来说是一个障碍。最近,已经启动了一些举措来帮助弥合这一差距;然而,目前尚无既定的评估措施,既能兼顾残疾青年舞者的需求,又能证明他们的能力。本研究的目的是开发一种表演评估工具,以跟踪具有一系列身体和/或智力障碍的年轻舞者在技术和表演技巧方面的进步。该工具允许对 11 个标准进行李克特式评分,包括对运动的控制、协调、空间意识、时间和节奏,以及表面或合作伙伴的工作。六位舞者在课堂上被拍摄,以便四位评委对他们的表演进行回顾性评估。评估者间和重测信度的类内相关系数 (ICC) 显示出良好的信度。当试验一被从分析中删除时,评分的不一致减少了,ICCs 加强了;因此,建议在将来使用此工具时进行熟悉试验。总体而言,这似乎是评估残疾年轻舞者的舞蹈技巧和表演元素的可靠工具。建议进行熟悉试验,以便将来使用此工具。总体而言,这似乎是评估残疾年轻舞者的舞蹈技巧和表演元素的可靠工具。建议进行熟悉试验,以便将来使用此工具。总体而言,这似乎是评估残疾年轻舞者的舞蹈技巧和表演元素的可靠工具。
