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Cameralism and the production of space in the eighteenth-century Romanian Banat: the grid villages of the ‘Danube Swabians’
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2020.04.012
Timothy G. Anderson

Abstract This article addresses the origin, morphology and significance of planned villages associated with the Habsburg colonization of the Romanian Banat, a region in east-central Europe comprising parts of present day Serbia, Romania and Hungary, in the eighteenth century. In an effort to repopulate and bring into agricultural production a territory that had been devastated by warfare, the Habsburg state under Maria Theresa and Joseph II devised and directed a series of large scale, systematic efforts to colonize the region, primarily with German speaking farmers from the upper Rhine valley. One of the most distinctive features of the cultural landscape produced by this colonization was dozens of centrally planned agricultural villages featuring Baroque architectural elements. Most of these villages adhered to a regular, rectilinear form, but other forms, such as street villages and circular hamlets, were employed as well. Together, these town and village morphologies comprise a planned, systematic settlement pattern that is found in few other places in Europe, and as such sets the region apart. Employing fieldwork and archival research, the paper describes the characteristic elements of these villages and uses ideas of the production of space as a framework for understanding the distinctive historical-political discourses encoded in this cultural landscape.



摘要 本文探讨了与哈布斯堡王朝在 18 世纪对罗马尼亚巴纳特进行殖民统治相关的规划村庄的起源、形态和意义,该地区位于欧洲中东部,包括当今塞尔维亚、罗马尼亚和匈牙利的部分地区。为了在被战争蹂躏的领土上重新人口并恢复农业生产,玛丽亚·特蕾莎和约瑟夫二世领导的哈布斯堡王朝设计并指导了一系列大规模、系统的努力来殖民该地区,主要是来自德国的讲德语的农民。上莱茵河谷。这种殖民化产生的文化景观最显着的特征之一是数十个以巴洛克建筑元素为特色的中央规划的农业村庄。这些村庄中的大多数都遵循规则的直线形式,但也采用了其他形式,例如街头村庄和圆形小村庄。这些城镇和村庄的形态共同构成了一种在欧洲其他地方很少见的有计划的、系统的定居模式,因此使该地区与众不同。本文运用田野调查和档案研究,描述了这些村庄的特征元素,并以空间生产的思想为框架,理解编码在这一文化景观中的独特历史政治话语。