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Trump Today
Comparative American Studies An International Journal Pub Date : 2017-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14775700.2017.1406692
John Carlos Rowe 1

Abstract During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump vowed to “Make America Great Again” by way of a new isolationism of the US. In the first 100 days of his presidency, he has restricted immigration, pursued aggressively the deportation of undocumented immigrants, and drastically reduced the US State Department. Judged in terms of transnational American Studies, his policies have employed a new nationalism to disguise a one-way global agenda. Trump’s withdrawal from the Transpacific Partnership has reconfigured economic relations across the Pacific and in East Asia. His approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline project has enriched a Canadian corporation. Even his appointment of Elizabeth Devos as Secretary of Education has obscured his close relations with her brother, Erik Prince, the infamous founder of Blackwater Security, an international corporation that supplies mercenaries to governments around the world. Transnational American Studies has an ethical obligation to continue its work of understanding US politics, economics, and culture in terms of its global consequences.



摘要唐纳德·特朗普在总统竞选期间发誓要通过美国新的孤立主义来“使美国再次伟大”。在担任总统的前100天里,他限制了移民,积极地驱逐了无证移民,并大幅度削减了美国国务院的职位。从跨国美国研究的角度来看,他的政策采用了一种新的民族主义来掩盖单向的全球议程。特朗普退出跨太平洋伙伴关系组织已经重新配置了整个太平洋和东亚的经济关系。他对Keystone XL Pipeline项目的批准使一家加拿大公司富裕起来。甚至任命伊丽莎白·德沃斯(Elizabeth Devos)担任教育部长,也掩盖了他与兄弟布莱克沃特(Blackwater Security)创始人埃里克·普林斯(Erik Prince)的亲密关系,一家向全球政府提供雇佣军的国际公司。跨国美国研究有道德义务,要继续就其全球后果来理解美国的政治,经济和文化。