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Swaying between saving the environment and mitigating women’s domestic drudgery: India’s efforts at addressing clean cooking fuels
Gender, Technology and Development ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09718524.2019.1587888
Isha Bhallamudi 1 , Lakshmi Lingam 2

Abstract In broader debates about global energy, the issue of cooking energy has recently started receiving fresh attention. In India, though this is an issue with major payoffs for health, livelihoods, climate change and domestic production, it often tends to be pitched exclusively as a ‘women’s issue’ even as women’s needs do not seem to be adequately addressed in energy policies and programs. In India, though the rationale for cooking fuel policies has moved from saving forests to empowering women, the policy thrust itself seems to be moving backwards from a focus on renewables (with the national biogas programs in the 1980s) to one on nonrenewables (with national Liquid Petroleum Gas programs today). This paper argues that in the long run, energy poverty cannot be solved only on the back of nonrenewable energy sources and exclusive cooking fuel policies while ignoring the huge potential of renewable energy sources which will enable better climate change adaptation and has the potential for building new livelihoods. It makes a case for sustainable and gender-sensitive interventions and makes feasible suggestions drawing from the learning of past policies and programs.



摘要 在关于全球能源的更广泛辩论中,烹饪能源问题最近开始受到新的关注。在印度,虽然这是一个对健康、生计、气候变化和国内生产产生重大影响的问题,但它往往被完全作为一个“女性问题”,即使在能源政策和能源政策中似乎没有充分解决女性的需求程式。在印度,虽然烹饪燃料政策的基本原理已经从保护森林转向赋予妇女权力,但政策重点本身似乎正在从关注可再生能源(1980 年代的国家沼气计划)转向关注不可再生能源(国家液化石油气计划)。本文认为,从长远来看,能源贫困不能仅依靠不可再生能源和独家烹饪燃料政策来解决,而忽视了可再生能源的巨大潜力,后者将有助于更好地适应气候变化并有可能建立新的生计。它为可持续和性别敏感的干预措施提供了理由,并从过去的政策和计划的学习中提出了可行的建议。