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Empire's leftovers: Eating to integrate in secular paris
Food and Foodways ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/07409710.2018.1454773
Chelsie Yount-André 1

ABSTRACT Faced with heightened xenophobia and economic decline, middle class Senegalese in Paris provide a striking example of the ways immigrants reinforce transnational hierarchies as they cling to (post)colonial privilege. This article examines how Senegalese immigrants and their French-born children draw on eating practices to index religion as an axis of social differentiation, producing hierarchies of belonging in France. In the context of escalating anti-Islamic sentiment, even naturalized citizens feel pressure to permanently perform their integration according to the ever-shifting demands of French secularism, as “eating French” is increasingly defined in opposition to the practices of Muslim immigrants from France's former colonies. This article shows how French Republicanism contributes to a tiered form of citizenship through examination of the ways that educated migrants from Dakar and their children adopt the language of secularism to valorize their own eating practices relative to other transnational (Senegalese) migrants.



摘要 面对日益严重的仇外心理和经济衰退,巴黎的塞内加尔中产阶级提供了一个突出的例子,说明移民在坚持(后)殖民特权时加强跨国等级制度的方式。本文探讨了塞内加尔移民及其在法国出生的孩子如何利用饮食习惯将宗教作为社会分化的轴心,从而在法国产生归属感。在反伊斯兰情绪不断升级的背景下,即使是入籍公民也感到压力,要根据法国世俗主义不断变化的要求永久地进行融合,因为“吃法语”越来越被定义为与来自法国前的穆斯林移民的做法相对立。群落。