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Food ideals, food rules and the subjective construction of a healthy diet
Food and Foodways ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-04 , DOI: 10.1080/07409710.2020.1826734
John S McKenzie 1 , David Watts 1

Abstract The healthfulness of the populations’ diets has long been a concern in Scotland. However, despite policies aimed at improving the healthfulness of people’s diet, it remains poor. The failure of these policies to bring about desired changes is partly because the relationship between dietary advice, understandings of it and the healthfulness of food practices is complex. The Scottish Government funded a phenomenological study of thirty-one adults to understand the populations’ food practices and, drawing on interviews and food diaries, this paper reports emergent findings that illustrate how some participants construct and maintain food practices they perceive to be healthful and appear to show consistency with dietary guidelines whilst others struggle. Research data were thematically analyzed and interviews revealed participants’ reported food rules that appeared to show consistencies with nutritional guidelines. Interviews and food diaries also revealed that participants broke their food rules which resulted in less healthful eating patterns. The results suggest that those participants who routinize rules for breaking food rules achieved eating patterns that they perceived to be healthier than those who did not.



摘要 长期以来,苏格兰一直关注人群饮食的健康性。然而,尽管制定了旨在改善人们饮食健康的政策,但它仍然很差。这些政策未能带来预期的变化,部分原因在于饮食建议、对其的理解与饮食习惯的健康之间的关系是复杂的。苏格兰政府资助了一项对 31 名成年人进行的现象学研究,以了解人们的饮食习惯,并根据访谈和饮食日记,报告了一些新发现,这些发现说明了一些参与者如何构建和维持他们认为有益健康的饮食习惯,并且看起来是健康的。在其他人挣扎时显示与饮食指南的一致性。研究数据进行了专题分析,访谈显示参与者报告的食物规则似乎与营养指南一致。采访和食物日记还显示,参与者违反了他们的饮食规则,导致不健康的饮食模式。结果表明,那些遵守规则以打破食物规则的参与者实现了他们认为比不遵守规则的人更健康的饮食模式。