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Inclusive Fashion—an Oxymoron—or a Possibility for Sustainable Fashion?
Fashion Practice ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17569370.2018.1507145
Otto von Busch

Abstract Cheap and accessible fashion from large retailers has, over the last decades, been thought of as a “democratic” form of consumerism. While embraced by masses of people with substantial environmental costs, many designers and researchers have questioned this mode of fast production and consumption. Designers try to create more sustainable models of consumption, often combined with ideas of other forms of consumer “inclusion” than cheap accessibility, yet they seldom define exactly what kind of inclusion is meant and what kind of desires they tap into. Using the example of nightclubs, this article asks some fundamental questions about the relationship between inclusion and exclusion in fashion, exclusivity and ability, and how to help cultivate a deeper interrogation of the dynamics these poles.



摘要 在过去的几十年里,来自大型零售商的廉价易得的时尚被认为是一种“民主”的消费主义形式。在以巨大的环境成本被大众接受的同时,许多设计师和研究人员对这种快速生产和消费的模式提出了质疑。设计师试图创造更可持续的消费模式,通常结合其他形式的消费者“包容”而不是廉价的可及性的想法,但他们很少确切定义什么样的包容意味着什么以及他们挖掘什么样的欲望。本文以夜总会为例,就时尚中的包容与排斥、排他性与能力之间的关系提出了一些基本问题,以及如何帮助培养对这些极点动态的更深层次的质疑。