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Maria Russell and Syed Ameer Ali: Family, opportunity and an inter-racial relationship in Victorian London
Family & Community History ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14631180.2019.1702313
Rachael Jones

This article analyses a complex inter-racial friendship between a British woman and an Indian Muslim in 1870 s London. Maria Russell and Ameer Ali were from similar middle-class backgrounds and both possessed high academic capabilities. Each enjoyed excellent early educational provision, but Maria’s ended abruptly when aged 21, while the Islamic scholar Ameer went on to achieve huge intellectual and professional success as a highly-respected and influential writer and high-court judge. This paper details the friendship formed between the two in 1870 s London, recorded in letters written by Ali while he was enjoying a British-Empire scholarship, and follows them during their later lives, giving a gendered analysis of the nature of opportunities available to the middle classes in Victorian Britain.


Maria Russell 和 Syed Ameer Ali:维多利亚时代伦敦的家庭、机会和跨种族关系

本文分析了 1870 年代伦敦的一名英国妇女和一名印度穆斯林之间复杂的跨种族友谊。Maria Russell 和 Ameer Ali 来自相似的中产阶级背景,都拥有很高的学术能力。每个人都享有良好的早期教育,但玛丽亚在 21 岁时突然结束,而伊斯兰学者阿米尔继续作为备受尊敬和有影响力的作家和高等法院法官取得了巨大的智力和专业成功。这篇论文详细介绍了两人在 1870 年代伦敦形成的友谊,记录在阿里在享受英帝国奖学金时写的信件中,并在他们晚年的生活中跟踪他们,对可利用的机会的性质进行了性别分析。维多利亚时代英国的中产阶级。