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Evaluating marital stability in late-Victorian Camberwell
Family & Community History ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14631180.2018.1470412
Rachel Pimm-Smith 1 , Rebecca Probert 2

What was the extent of marital breakdown and separation in a society where divorce was unlikely to be an option? This article investigates the status and longevity of the marriages of a group of parents whose children were admitted to the care of the poor law authorities in Camberwell in the latter part of the nineteenth century. It finds that spousal death or misfortune, rather than marital breakdown, were the primary reasons for a parent to send a child to the poor law authorities, and that most of the marriages of the parents in the sample remained intact. It also explores whether those who separated formed new co-residential relationships.



在一个离婚不太可能成为一种选择的社会中,婚姻破裂和分居的程度如何?这篇文章调查了 19 世纪下半叶,他们的孩子被坎伯韦尔可怜的法律当局照顾的一群父母的婚姻状况和寿命。它发现,配偶死亡或不幸,而不是婚姻破裂,是父母将孩子送到贫困法律当局的主要原因,并且样本中父母的大部分婚姻都完好无损。它还探讨了那些分居的人是否形成了新的同居关系。