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Advertising “the East„: Encounters with the Urban and the Exotic in Late Colonial Asia Pacific
Fabrications ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/10331867.2019.1588686
Paul Walker 1 , Amanda Achmadi 1

ABSTRACT In the late nineteenth century, shipping routes from the east coast of Australia to Southeast Asia developed quickly to serve trade in commodities drawn from industrially scaled extraction and agriculture. This produced an innovative architecture of agricultural buildings, warehouses, and port facilities. On the back of this, in the early 1900s shipping companies began to promote tourism to the Dutch East Indies and Singapore in Australia. Two shipping networks of this kind were those of the Australian firm Burns Philp and the Dutch-owned company KPM. Both were active in advertising tourism to Southeast Asia in their own publications, including BP Magazine. Both were also regular advertisers in the magazine Walkabout. The advertising in this publication drew on imagery that projected the luxury of tourist accommodation and the exoticness of travel destinations. The exotic was pictured through images of young women, remote landscapes, and indigenous architecture. Such images disregarded labour practices entailed in industrial-scale agriculture and the region’s innovative commercial architecture. However, the ports in Southeast Asia promoted in such publicity did not correspond to the exotic images through which they were advertised. Rather, they were colonial cities with an architectural and urban modernity that might have surprised visitors.



摘要 在 19 世纪后期,从澳大利亚东海岸到东南亚的航线迅速发展,以服务于从工业规模的开采和农业中提取的商品贸易。这产生了农业建筑、仓库和港口设施的创新建筑。有鉴于此,1900年代初期航运公司开始向澳大利亚的荷属东印度群岛和新加坡推广旅游业。此类航运网络有两个,分别是澳大利亚公司 Burns Philp 和荷兰公司 KPM。两人都在自己的出版物(包括 BP 杂志)上积极为东南亚旅游做广告。两人也是《Walkabout》杂志的常规广告客户。本出版物中的广告借鉴了描绘旅游住宿的奢华和旅游目的地的异国情调的图像。通过年轻女性、偏远的风景和土著建筑的形象描绘了异国情调。这些图像无视工业规模农业和该地区创新商业建筑中的劳动实践。然而,在这种宣传中宣传的东南亚港口与它们所宣传的异国情调的形象并不相符。相反,它们是具有建筑和城市现代性的殖民城市,可能会让游客感到惊讶。这些图像无视工业规模农业和该地区创新商业建筑中的劳动实践。然而,在这种宣传中宣传的东南亚港口与它们所宣传的异国情调的形象并不相符。相反,它们是具有建筑和城市现代性的殖民城市,可能会让游客感到惊讶。这些图像无视工业规模农业和该地区创新商业建筑中的劳动实践。然而,在这种宣传中宣传的东南亚港口与它们所宣传的异国情调的形象并不相符。相反,它们是具有建筑和城市现代性的殖民城市,可能会让游客感到惊讶。