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The Provocations of Orthodoxy: Lydgate and Late-Medieval Books of Hours in Literary Culture
Exemplaria ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10412573.2018.1436268
Jessica Brantley 1

Abstract Theologically conventional, books of hours nonetheless participate in cultures of formal and aesthetic experimentation that we would, under other circumstances, call literary. This article explores those provocations by examining the intersections of devotional and literary reading cultures visible in John Lydgate’s “Fifteen Joys of Our Lady,” a small poem that appears in a variety of manuscript contexts. One of these is a book of hours, British Library MS Egerton 3088. But the poem’s other manuscript contexts, ranging from a psalter (Oxford, Bodleian MS Lat. Liturgy. e 47) to an anthology of vernacular poetry (Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.3.21) reveal how malleable it is. Finally, another poem of Lydgate, “The Fifteen Joys and Sorrows of Our Lady,” provides a vision not only of how devotional reading works, but also of devotional literary production itself.



摘要从神学上讲,小时手册仍然参与形式和美学实验的文化,在其他情况下,我们将其称为文学。本文通过考察约翰·利德盖特(John Lydgate)的《圣母十五喜悦》中可见的灵修与文学阅读文化的交汇点来探讨这些挑衅,这是一首在各种手稿上下文中出现的小诗。其中之一是一本小时的书,大英图书馆MS Egerton3088。但是这首诗的其他手稿背景,从诗篇(牛津,Bodleian MS Lat。Liturgy。e 47)到白话诗歌选集(剑桥,Trinity College MS,MS) R.3.21)揭示了它的可塑性。最后,Lydgate的另一首诗《圣母的十五个欢乐与悲伤》不仅提供了灵修阅读的原理,