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Wordsworth’s “Two Consciousnesses”: On the Construction of Subjectivity in The Prelude
European Romantic Review ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10509585.2020.1775082
Michael Bedsole 1

ABSTRACT Many critics claim that Wordsworth’s The Prelude employs linguistic figurations that ironically undercut his efforts to construct a self-unified, self-present individual. In this article, I argue for a more radical, unstable self-construction, in which Wordsworth articulates a present characterized primarily by lack. Such lack derives from Wordsworth’s sense of a doubled consciousness, of a gulf that separates his current self from past selves. In turn, this self-division implies an over-arching model of subjectivity in which selfhood appears constitutively fractured, a structural disunity that works to generate an anxiety regarding origins and self-identity. Wordsworth’s efforts thus seem problematic from the start, for by taking himself as the theme of his poem, he enacts a mirroring process that undercuts the self-unity he desires. What remains is a splintered consciousness, which becomes ironically the very basis of his self-identity.



摘要 许多评论家声称华兹华斯的《前奏曲》使用了语言比喻,讽刺地削弱了他构建自我统一、自我呈现的个人的努力。在这篇文章中,我主张一种更激进、更不稳定的自我建构,其中华兹华斯阐述了一个主要以缺乏为特征的现在。这种缺乏源于华兹华斯的双重意识感,一种将他现在的自我与过去的自我分开的鸿沟。反过来,这种自我分裂意味着一种总体的主体性模型,在这种模型中,自我似乎在本质上是断裂的,一种结构性的不统一,它会产生关于起源和自我身份的焦虑。因此,华兹华斯的努力从一开始就似乎有问题,因为通过将自己作为诗歌的主题,他制定了一个镜像过程,削弱了他所渴望的自我统一。