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‘When you are a creative human being, you are exposed’: The nature of creative people, as discussed by C. G. Jung in his recollection of Albert Einstein
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13642537.2018.1563908
Orsolya Lukács 1

ABSTRACT This paper discusses Jung’s description of creative people in his reminiscences of Einstein, in which Jung provides a unique insight into how he perceived ‘otherness’ and how he analysed himself and his own ability to relate to others. Jung argues that his relationship with Einstein could never flourish, because they both shared the characteristics of creative men: impatience; withdrawal into their own world; intense inner struggle; and possession by a certain otherness, which he refers to as a Daemon. Creative people, according to Jung, are on a continual, lifelong quest for new ideas, and these ideas are the bridges that connect them to other people, yet their creative nature also makes them impatient and therefore unable to allow the necessary time to get to know another person properly. This impatience can mean that even when two creative people meet, if one is absorbed in his own thoughts, he might not devote the necessary attention to forming a relationship with the other. In this paper I argue that Jung’s understanding of creative people rests upon the idea of the plurality of the psyche, one of the central notions of analytical psychology, which has its origins in the dissociative theories of the psyche.


“当你是一个有创造力的人时,你就会被暴露”:有创造力的人的本质,正如 CG Jung 在他对阿尔伯特爱因斯坦的回忆中所讨论的

摘要 本文讨论了荣格在回忆爱因斯坦时对有创造力的人的描述,其中荣格对他如何感知“他者”以及他如何分析自己以及与他人交往的能力提供了独特的见解。荣格认为他与爱因斯坦的关系永远不会发展下去,因为他们都具有创造性人的共同特征:急躁;退回到自己的世界;激烈的内心斗争;并被某种他者占有,他称之为守护进程。在荣格看来,有创造力的人不断地、终生地寻求新的想法,这些想法是将他们与其他人联系起来的桥梁,但他们的创造力也使他们缺乏耐心,因此无法留出必要的时间来实现正确认识另一个人。这种不耐烦可能意味着,即使当两个有创造力的人相遇时,如果一个人专注于自己的想法,他也可能不会将必要的注意力集中在与另一个人建立关系上。在这篇论文中,我认为荣格对有创造力的人的理解建立在心理多元化的概念之上,这是分析心理学的核心概念之一,它起源于心理的分离理论。