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‘Folds of the heart’: performing life experience, emotion and empathy in Japanese tango music culture
Ethnomusicology Forum ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17411912.2019.1587714
Yuiko Asaba 1

ABSTRACT In the Argentine tango music culture of Japan, to have undergone many life experiences is considered critical in order to perform the powerful emotions of tango. Narratives by Japanese tango musicians stress ‘each musician’s feelings’ as crucial in shaping a good tango performance, while empathy is considered important in cultivating such feelings. Based on the author’s field research in Japan and Argentina, and by adding a different nuance to Carolyn Pedwell’s notions of transnational ‘affective relations’, this essay examines how Japanese historical narratives, rooted in aesthetic and moral ethos, fabricate discourses of tango authenticity by Japanese musicians. Taking a closer look at the ways in which Japanese musicians discuss tango’s emotion illuminates how Argentine tango’s aesthetics of emotion are given renewed meanings through the channelling of cultural and historical symbols in Japanese contexts. This article argues that Japanese tango musicians create their discourses surrounding tango authenticity at such transnational instances when aesthetics, affect and morality intersect.



摘要在日本的阿根廷探戈音乐文化中,经历过许多生活经历被认为是表现探戈强烈情感的关键。日本探戈音乐家的叙述强调“每个音乐家的感受”对于塑造良好的探戈表演至关重要,而同理心被认为对培养这种感受很重要。基于作者在日本和阿根廷的实地研究,并通过对 Carolyn Pedwell 的跨国“情感关系”概念添加不同的细微差别,本文考察了植根于美学和道德精神的日本历史叙事如何编造日本人对探戈真实性的论述。音乐家。仔细观察日本音乐家讨论探戈情感的方式,可以看出阿根廷探戈的情感美学如何通过在日本语境中的文化和历史符号的引导而被赋予新的意义。本文认为,日本探戈音乐家在美学、情感和道德交叉的跨国实例中围绕探戈的真实性创造了他们的话语。