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Suburban schools as sites of inspection: Understanding Latinx youth’s sense of belonging in a suburban high school
Equity & Excellence in Education ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2020.1758245
Gabriel Rodriguez 1

ABSTRACT Through a critical ethnographic approach, this study examines how Latinx youth made sense of race, space, and place at a predominantly white, well-resourced suburban high school outside of Chicago, Illinois. Employing spatial theory and borderland theory, I analyze the experiences of 19 Latinx youth to learn how they understood and navigated the racialized borders of their school and how that, in turn, shaped how they built a sense of belonging for themselves. The findings focus on how whiteness and white youth set the stage for how Latinx youth take up space and build community. Moreover, despite the constraints they endure, Latinx youth enact their agency in ways that can help schools reimagine how to create more inclusive student communities.



摘要 本研究通过批判性的人种学方法,考察了拉美裔青年如何在伊利诺伊州芝加哥以外的一所白人为主、资源丰富的郊区高中理解种族、空间和地方。我运用空间理论和边界理论,分析了 19 名拉丁裔青年的经历,以了解他们如何理解和驾驭学校的种族边界,以及这反过来又如何塑造了他们如何为自己建立归属感。调查结果集中在白人和白人青年如何为拉丁裔青年如何占据空间和建立社区奠定基础。此外,尽管他们忍受着限制,拉丁裔青年以可以帮助学校重新构想如何创建更具包容性的学生社区的方式发挥他们的作用。