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Rushdie's Everest: Secular Transcendence in The Satanic Verses
English Studies in Africa ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00138398.2017.1412158
Catherine Addison

Alleluia Cone, a female character from Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses, has a visionary experience when she reaches the summit of Mount Everest. This transcendent experience is not ironized in the novel by the author's characteristic discourse of religious doubt. In fact, it exists in the text as a counterweight to the career of the prophet Mahound, who also ascends a mountain with aspirations of transcendence. Allie explains her experience in terms of her deceased father's rejection of ‘the idea of the continuum’. Otto Cone's universe of irreconcilable elements admits the possibility of the sublime without reconciling it with a consistent metaphysical system. In fact, this approach to the sublime may allow a perceiver to regard it in that other (Rudolf) Otto's words as a ‘mysterium tremendum’, discontinuous with the path of normal life. The sublime mountain presents not just an obstacle in Allie's life journey but an incoherence; a break in the track. Allie is one of only a few Rushdie characters untroubled by a religious upbringing and yet she is the one who, in her encounter with Everest, experiences transcendence in its naked perfection. This paper explores the paradox of secular transcendence in this novel, noting that Allie's reflections on the topic echo some of the author's own in ‘Is Nothing Sacred?’



萨尔曼·拉什迪 (Salman Rushdie) 的《撒旦诗篇》中的女性角色哈利路亚·康妮 (Alleluia Cone) 在登上珠穆朗玛峰顶峰时有一种梦幻般的体验。这种超然的体验在小说中并没有被作者对宗教怀疑的典型话语所讽刺。事实上,它存在于文本中,作为对先知马洪职业生涯的一种平衡,他也以超越的愿望登上了一座山峰。艾莉解释了她已故父亲拒绝“连续统的想法”的经历。奥托锥的不可调和元素的宇宙承认崇高的可能性,但没有将其与一致的形而上学系统相协调。事实上,这种崇高的方法可能会让感知者在其他(鲁道夫)奥托的话中将其视为“神秘的tremendum”,与正常生活的道路不连续。崇高的山峰不仅是艾莉人生旅途中的障碍,更是一种不连贯性;赛道上的休息。艾莉是为数不多的不受宗教教养困扰的拉什迪角色之一,但她是在与珠穆朗玛峰的相遇中体验到赤裸裸的完美超越的人。本文探讨了这部小说中世俗超越的悖论,并指出艾莉对这个话题的反思与作者在《没有什么是神圣的吗?》中的一些观点相呼应。在赤裸裸的完美中体验超越。本文探讨了这部小说中世俗超越的悖论,并指出艾莉对这个话题的反思与作者在《没有什么是神圣的吗?》中的一些观点相呼应。在赤裸裸的完美中体验超越。本文探讨了这部小说中世俗超越的悖论,并指出艾莉对这个话题的反思与作者在《没有什么是神圣的吗?》中的一些观点相呼应。