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Winnie Mandela: Homophobia and Dystopia in One of Achmat Dangor’s Forgotten Short Stories
English Academy Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10131752.2020.1741193
Andy Carolin 1

Abstract This article focuses on a transition-era short story by Achmat Dangor, “Mama & Kid Freedom” (1995, Index on Censorship 24 [3]: 108–13), which has thus far been wholly overlooked by literary scholars. The story depicts a political dystopia that is characterised by assassinations, arbitrary violence, and the mass incarceration of those deemed to be homosexual. There are also clear overlaps between the eponymous character Mama and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. The story reproduces the binary tropes that surround Madikizela-Mandela and her then estranged husband, Nelson Mandela: whereas he is cast as the hero of the narrative of nation-building, she is cast as its villain. In this article, I argue that Dangor weaves a story that pulls together two particularly salient transition-era political discourses: Madikizela-Mandela as a homophobic and violent woman, and sexual rights as a bellwether of the country’s project of democratic modernity. The story evidences a homonationalist logic in which the recognition or non-recognition of sexual rights comes to be read as the axis on which post- apartheid democracy and human rights depend.


温妮·曼德拉:Achmat Dangor 被遗忘的短篇小说之一中的同性恋恐惧症和反乌托邦

摘要 本文重点介绍 Achmat Dangor 的过渡时代短篇小说“妈妈和孩子的自由”(1995,审查索引 24 [3]:108-13),迄今为止,该短篇小说一直被文学学者完全忽视。这个故事描绘了一个政治反乌托邦,其特点是暗杀、任意暴力以及对同性恋者的大规模监禁。同名角色 Mama 和 Winnie Madikizela-Mandela 之间也有明显的重叠。这个故事再现了围绕 Madikizela-Mandela 和她当时分居的丈夫纳尔逊·曼德拉 (Nelson Mandela) 的二元比喻:虽然他被塑造成国家建设叙事的英雄,但她被塑造成反派。在本文中,我认为 Dangor 编织了一个故事,将两个特别突出的转型时代政治话语结合在一起:Madikizela-Mandela 是一个仇视同性恋和暴力的女性,性权利是该国民主现代性项目的风向标。这个故事证明了一种同性恋逻辑,在这种逻辑中,对性权利的承认或不承认被解读为后种族隔离民主和人权所依赖的轴心。