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Lexical Structure as a Marker of Ideology in Ayi Kwei Armah’s Fragments and Two Thousand Seasons
English Academy Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10131752.2019.1599521
Marcel Khombe Mangwanda 1

Abstract Recent work in the field of Critical Discourse theory, such as that by Norman Fairclough and Teun van Dijk, suggests that it is possible to uncover ideologies inscribed in a text by focusing on elements of discourse. Drawing on the Bakhtinian theory that considers language as a field of ideological confrontation and insights from Critical Discourse Analysis, this article examines how vocabulary mediates ideologies in two novels by Ghanaian author Ayi Kwei Armah, namely Fragments and Two Thousand Seasons. Although critical linguistics has been concerned to widen the scope of stylistics, not just by including as its object of study a wide range of text types, literary and non-literary, but also by allowing insights from other disciplines of the social sciences to be used for a better understanding of the text to be analysed, this article limits its discussion to literary analysis underpinned by socio-cultural knowledge.



摘要 批判性话语理论领域的最新工作,例如 Norman Fairclough 和 Teun van Dijk 的工作,表明通过关注话语元素来揭示刻在文本中的意识形态是可能的。本文借鉴将语言视为意识形态对抗领域的巴赫金理论和批判性话语分析的见解,本文探讨了词汇如何在加纳作家阿伊奎·阿玛 (Ayi Kwei Armah) 的两部小说《碎片》和《两千季》中调解意识形态。尽管批判语言学一直致力于扩大文体学的范围,不仅将文学和非文学的广泛文本类型作为其研究对象,而且还允许使用来自社会科学其他学科的见解为了更好地理解要分析的文本,