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Rethinking Babylon:The Language Dilemma and the Search for Social Justice in Africa
English Academy Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10131752.2019.1587829
Vuyisile Msila 1

Abstract The language debates in South Africa have been contentious on a number of platforms. Various critics are questioning the role of the languages in enhancing certain values in society as the marginalization of indigenous languages continues and others have called for emphasis of indigenous languages to underscore epistemic freedom. However, whilst it is crucial to strive for deprovincialization of Europe the imposition of which has led to linguisticides, decolonization is not about recolonization of historically advantaged languages such as French, English and Portuguese. Over the years scholars have presented strong arguments on issues of language. Eskia Mphahlele contended that it is mischievous for black Africans to use English less, because it is a language that emancipates and has created strong nationalisms especially in places such as East Africa. However, Ngugi wa ‘Thiongo emphasizes indigenous languages as languages that would redeem Africans from the throes of colonialism. This presentation argues for the positioning of all South Africa’s official languages on an equitable level as they exemplify ecologies of knowledge undergirded by social justice on a planetary level. Multilingualism and bilingualism will build better citizens intent on helping in the building of nationhood and diversity of a truly decolonized nation.



摘要 南非的语言辩论在多个平台上一直存在争议。随着土著语言继续边缘化,各种批评者质疑语言在增强社会某些价值观方面的作用,而其他人则呼吁强调土著语言以强调认识自由。然而,尽管努力实现欧洲的非省级化至关重要,这导致了语言化,但非殖民化并不是对法语、英语和葡萄牙语等具有历史优势的语言进行重新殖民化。多年来,学者们就语言问题提出了强有力的论据。Eskia Mphahlele 争辩说,非洲黑人少说英语是恶作剧,因为它是一种解放并创造了强烈民族主义的语言,尤其是在东非等地。然而,Ngugi wa 'Thiongo 强调土著语言是将非洲人从殖民主义的阵痛中拯救出来的语言。本演示文稿主张将所有南非官方语言置于公平的水平上,因为它们在全球范围内体现了以社会正义为基础的知识生态。多语制和双语制将培养更优秀的公民,致力于帮助建设真正的非殖民化国家的民族性和多样性。本演示文稿主张将所有南非官方语言置于公平的水平上,因为它们在全球范围内体现了以社会正义为基础的知识生态。多语制和双语制将培养更优秀的公民,致力于帮助建设真正的非殖民化国家的民族性和多样性。本演示文稿主张将所有南非官方语言置于公平的水平上,因为它们在全球范围内体现了以社会正义为基础的知识生态。多语制和双语制将培养更优秀的公民,致力于帮助建设真正的非殖民化国家的民族性和多样性。