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Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212
Harry Daniels 1

Welcome to issue 24(2) of the journal. To start this issue, we have three papers on ADHD. The first two of these are comprised of reports of systematic literature reviews. In the first paper Laura Eccleston, James Williams, Susan Frances Knowles and Laura Kate Soulsby report on adolescent experiences of living with a diagnosis of ADHD. They identified eleven studies which were appraised for methodological quality and a thematic synthesis was undertaken. They identified five themes: Differing perspectives of the problem; Societal pressures; Sense of self; Feelings about medication; and Maturational shift from passive to active. They discuss the findings in terns of young people’s self-esteem and identity and argue the case for support strategies to maximise adolescents’ resilience, autonomy and abilities. In the second review Linda Plantin-Ewe turns her attention to ADHD symptoms and the teacher–student relationship. Perhaps unsurprisingly, teachers experience less emotional closeness, less co-operation and more conflicts in their relations with their students with ADHD than with other students. She argues that teachers’ rejection of ADHD students poses a risk factor for not only school failure, but also peer exclusion and rejection, leading to low self-esteem and loneliness. I am reminded of Paul Cooper’s seminal work on the importance of respite, relationships and resignification in the formulation of provision for young people in very difficult circumstances. In paper three Milla Syrjanen, Airi Hautamaki, Natalia Pleshkova, and Sinikka Maliniemi turn their attention to relationships with parents. They explore the self-protective strategies of six parents with ADHD and the sensitivity they displayed in dyadic interaction with their under three-years-old children. Interestingly, the more complex the parent’s self-protective strategy was, the less sensitive was the interaction. Some parents’ need for self-protection compromised their ability to protect their child and decreased their sensitivity. The authors argue the case for attachment-oriented family psychological assessment, including assessments of the self-protective strategies of each family member in order to better design a treatment adapted to the unique family needs, also in order to alleviate early risk. In the next article Marie Caslin explores how young people experience the Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) label. She draws on thirteen in-depth case studies to reflect on how young people experience the SEBD labels attached to them by others and what pupils consider to be the main antecedents leading them to display behaviour which is deemed unacceptable in the classroom. The paper highlights the importance of providing opportunities for young people to have their voice heard to fill the gap between professional perceptions and those of the pupil. In order to truly understand why young people display behaviour that is considered difficult and how they experience the labels we attach to them we have to speak to young people themselves. In paper five Lars Dietrich and David Zimmerman discuss Aggression-Related Mindsets. Their results suggest that differences in aggression-related mindsets, including feelings of academic efficacy, feelings of purpose, global self-esteem, academic-status insecurity, school-related anger, and school-related happiness account for almost half of the relationship between socio-economic status and bullying. They suggest that strategies to reduce bullying among adolescents are more effective if they teach adolescents anger-reducing skills or eliminate root causes of students’ school-related anger. In the next article Zahra Mansurnejad, Mokhtar Malekpour, and Amir Ghamarani, direct attention to the teaching of self-determination skills and the effects on externalizing behaviours. Their study claims significant effects and they discuss the clinical implications. EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES 2019, VOL. 24, NO. 2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212



欢迎阅读期刊第 24(2) 期。为了开始这个问题,我们有三篇关于多动症的论文。其中前两个由系统文献综述报告组成。在第一篇论文中,劳拉·埃克莱斯顿、詹姆斯·威廉姆斯、苏珊·弗朗西斯·诺尔斯和劳拉·凯特·索尔斯比报告了青少年患有多动症的经历。他们确定了 11 项研究,对方法学质量进行了评估,并进行了专题综合。他们确定了五个主题: 问题的不同观点;社会压力;自我感觉; 对药物的感受;以及从被动到主动的成熟转变。他们讨论了青少年自尊和身份认同方面的研究结果,并论证了支持策略的理由,以最大限度地提高青少年的适应力、自主性和能力。在第二篇评论中,Linda Plantin-Ewe 将注意力转向 ADHD 症状和师生关系。也许不出所料,与其他学生相比,教师在与患有多动症的学生的关系中体验较少的情感亲近感、较少的合作和更多的冲突。她认为,教师拒绝多动症学生不仅会导致学校失败,还会导致同伴排斥和拒绝,导致自尊心低下和孤独。我想起了保罗·库珀 (Paul Cooper) 的开创性工作,他阐述了在为非常困难的情况下的年轻人制定的条款中,喘息、人际关系和辞职的重要性。在论文三中,Milla Syrjanen、Airi Hautamaki、Natalia Pleshkova 和 Sinikka Maliniemi 将注意力转向了与父母的关系。他们探索了六位患有多动症的父母的自我保护策略,以及他们在与三岁以下儿童的二元互动中表现出的敏感性。有趣的是,父母的自我保护策略越复杂,互动就越不敏感。一些父母对自我保护的需要损害了他们保护孩子的能力并降低了他们的敏感度。作者论证了以依恋为导向的家庭心理评估的案例,包括评估每个家庭成员的自我保护策略,以便更好地设计适应独特家庭需求的治疗方法,也为了减轻早期风险。在下一篇文章中,Marie Caslin 探讨了年轻人如何体验社交、情感和行为困难 (SEBD) 标签。她利用 13 个深入的案例研究来反思年轻人如何体验他人贴在他们身上的 SEBD 标签,以及学生认为导致他们在课堂上表现出不可接受的行为的主要前因。该论文强调了为年轻人提供机会让他们听到自己的声音以填补专业观念与学生之间的差距的重要性。为了真正理解为什么年轻人会表现出被认为是困难的行为,以及他们如何体验我们贴在他们身上的标签,我们必须与年轻人自己交谈。在论文中,五位 Lars Dietrich 和 David Zimmerman 讨论了与侵略相关的心态。他们的结果表明,与侵略相关的心态存在差异,包括学术效能感、目标感、全球自尊、学术地位不安全、与学校有关的愤怒和与学校有关的快乐几乎占社会经济地位与欺凌之间关系的一半。他们认为,如果教授青少年减少愤怒的技能或消除学生与学校相关的愤怒的根源,那么减少青少年欺凌的策略会更有效。在下一篇文章中,Zahra Mansurnejad、Mokhtar Malekpour 和 Amir Ghamarani 将注意力集中在自决技能的教学以及对外化行为的影响上。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212 在社会经济地位与欺凌之间的关系中,学校相关的幸福感几乎占了一半。他们认为,如果教授青少年减少愤怒的技能或消除学生与学校相关的愤怒的根源,那么减少青少年欺凌的策略会更有效。在下一篇文章中,Zahra Mansurnejad、Mokhtar Malekpour 和 Amir Ghamarani 将注意力集中在自决技能的教学以及对外化行为的影响上。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212 在社会经济地位与欺凌之间的关系中,学校相关的幸福感几乎占了一半。他们认为,如果教授青少年减少愤怒的技能或消除学生与学校相关的愤怒的根源,那么减少青少年欺凌的策略会更有效。在下一篇文章中,Zahra Mansurnejad、Mokhtar Malekpour 和 Amir Ghamarani 将注意力集中在自决技能的教学以及对外化行为的影响上。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212 他们认为,如果教授青少年减少愤怒的技能或消除学生与学校相关的愤怒的根源,那么减少青少年欺凌的策略会更有效。在下一篇文章中,Zahra Mansurnejad、Mokhtar Malekpour 和 Amir Ghamarani 将注意力集中在自决技能的教学以及对外化行为的影响上。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212 他们认为,如果教授青少年减少愤怒的技能或消除学生与学校相关的愤怒的根源,那么减少青少年欺凌的策略会更有效。在下一篇文章中,Zahra Mansurnejad、Mokhtar Malekpour 和 Amir Ghamarani 将注意力集中在自决技能的教学以及对外化行为的影响上。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212 直接关注自决技能的教学和对外化行为的影响。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212 直接关注自决技能的教学和对外化行为的影响。他们的研究声称效果显着,并讨论了临床意义。情绪和行为困难 2019,VOL。24,没有。2, 117–118 https://doi.org/10.1080/13632752.2019.1625212