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Increasing parenting self-efficacy in foster carers: an evaluation of the attachment-centred parenting programme
Educational Psychology in Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.1080/02667363.2020.1795628
Jamila Begum 1 , Sue Copello 2 , Louisa Jones 3

ABSTRACT Children who have experienced significant early life adversities and trauma are at a greater risk of developing social, emotional, behavioural and mental-health needs. This can result in stress in the carer/parent–child relationship which can have a negative impact on placement stability. Recent research and national policies have stressed the need for good quality training for foster carers to support the complex needs of children in their care. The study reported comprises an evaluation of an Attachment-Centred Parenting (ACP) six session, evidence-based programme developed by the authors. The results highlighted a notable increase in the foster carers’ perception of their skills and competence in managing and understanding their children’s needs. There was also an increase in the carers’ sense of self-efficacy. Findings provide evidence that the ACP programme offers valuable support for foster carers, enabling them to parent therapeutically when faced with challenging behaviours and circumstances.



摘要 经历过重大早期生活逆境和创伤的儿童更有可能发展出社交、情感、行为和心理健康需求。这可能会导致照顾者/亲子关系的压力,从而对安置稳定性产生负面影响。最近的研究和国家政策强调需要对寄养者进行高质量的培训,以支持他们照顾的儿童的复杂需求。报告的研究包括对作者开发的以依恋为中心的育儿 (ACP) 六次会议、循证计划的评估。结果表明,寄养者对其管理和理解子女需求的技能和能力的看法显着增加。照顾者的自我效能感也有所提高。