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Workplace mindfulness: fundamental issues for research and practice
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2021.1878572
Wahab Shahbaz 1 , Jane Parker 1


In organisational scholarship, there is a general understanding that mindfulness training programs (MTP) can guide employees’ cognitive and psychological processes and influence their decisions and actions in everyday life. Many organisations who care for the wellbeing and development of employees are adopting MTP as a tool to improve employees’ functions such as their health and performance. In this research note, some of the key issues concerning mindfulness theory and practice are highlighted. First, multiple perspectives on mindfulness exist in the literature and also the boundaries between secular and non-secular practices of mindfulness are unclear. To extend the theory and practice of mindfulness, it is important to comprehend the concept of mindfulness. Second, MTP can be costly rather than beneficial in some working conditions. The managers might need to understand the risk related to the negative consequences of MTP. Third, sustainability of mindfulness practices for employees in a post-training context might be challenging. Managers might need to develop and maintain a conducive post-training work environment that encourages the employees’ mindfulness practices at work. Overall, this research note suggests research directions for management scholars and informs the organisational leaders’ and managers’ decisions concerning the incorporation of MTP in organisations for employees’ wellbeing and development.




在组织学术界,人们普遍认为正念训练计划 (MTP) 可以指导员工的认知和心理过程,并影响他们在日常生活中的决定和行动。许多关心员工福祉和发展的组织正在采用 MTP 作为改善员工功能(例如健康和绩效)的工具。在本研究报告中,重点介绍了有关正念理论和实践的一些关键问题。首先,文献中存在关于正念的多种观点,而且正念的世俗和非世俗实践之间的界限尚不清楚。要扩展正念的理论和实践,理解正念的概念很重要。其次,在某些工作条件下,MTP 可能代价高昂而不是有益。管理人员可能需要了解与 MTP 负面后果相关的风险。第三,培训后员工正念练习的可持续性可能具有挑战性。管理人员可能需要开发和维护一个有益的培训后工作环境,以鼓励员工在工作中进行正念练习。总的来说,这份研究报告为管理学者提出了研究方向,并为组织领导者和管理者关于将 MTP 纳入组织以促进员工福利和发展的决定提供了信息。管理人员可能需要开发和维护一个有益的培训后工作环境,以鼓励员工在工作中进行正念练习。总的来说,这份研究报告为管理学者提出了研究方向,并为组织领导者和管理者关于将 MTP 纳入组织以促进员工福利和发展的决定提供了信息。管理人员可能需要开发和维护一个有益的培训后工作环境,以鼓励员工在工作中进行正念练习。总的来说,这份研究报告为管理学者提出了研究方向,并为组织领导者和管理者关于将 MTP 纳入组织以促进员工福利和发展的决定提供了信息。
