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Trauma, Soul, and the Body in Jungian Analysis
Jung Journal ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/19342039.2020.1822121
Barbara Holifield

ABSTRACT Through a clinical vignette the author describes Jungian analytic work as it unfolds in a relational, affectively attuned way, while also focusing on the direct moment-to-moment experience of the body. The neuropsychological underpinnings of what Donald Kalsched refers to as the archetypal affect ignited in trauma are explored. Focusing on the body as the primary portal for the healing of trauma, the author highlights how attention to the somatic dimension of experience keeps Jungian analysis grounded and relevant. She elucidates how the mythopoetic reality revealed in depth psychotherapy weaves this into a tapestry of personal meaning, facilitating deep psychological transformation.



摘要 通过一个临床小插曲,作者描述了荣格​​的分析工作,因为它以一种相关的、情感上协调的方式展开,同时也专注于身体的直接时刻到时刻的体验。探讨了唐纳德·卡尔舍德 (Donald Kalsched) 所说的创伤引发的原型情感的神经心理学基础。作者将身体作为创伤愈合的主要门户,强调了对体验的躯体维度的关注如何使荣格的分析保持基础和相关性。她阐明了深度心理治疗所揭示的神话般的现实如何将其编织成个人意义的挂毯,促进深层心理转变。