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Memory and migrant solidarity in Icíar Bollaín’s En tierra extraña
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14636204.2020.1842091
Mary Kate Donovan 1

ABSTRACT Icíar Bollaín’s 2014 documentary, En tierra extraña, represents the experiences of Spaniards who have emigrated to Scotland in the wake of the financial crisis. Following the onset of the crisis in 2008, unemployment rates in Spain reached unprecedented heights, and since then increasing numbers of Spaniards have elected to search for employment opportunities abroad. By relating their experiences, En tierra extraña suggests that this contemporary wave of emigration is the result of Spain’s failure to establish a democracy free from the legacy of the Franco dictatorship. The film puts the experience of twenty-first-century Spanish migrants in dialogue with the history of Spanish emigration of the 1960s under the Franco dictatorship and more recent immigration to Spain beginning in the 1980s. This article focuses on the film’s use of memory and makes two arguments. First, that the film strives to engage the audience in its political project by drawing an empathic comparison between current Spanish emigration and that which occurred during the 1960s. And second, that the film’s less explicit aim of encouraging empathy for contemporary African and Latin American migrants in Spain by comparing them to Spanish emigrants overlooks the ways in which the former group’s experiences are conditioned by questions of race and legal status.


Icíar Bollaín 的 En tierra extraña 中的记忆和移民团结

摘要 Icíar Bollaín 的 2014 年纪录片 En tierra extraña 代表了在金融危机之后移民到苏格兰的西班牙人的经历。2008 年危机爆发后,西班牙的失业率达到了前所未有的高度,从那时起,越来越多的西班牙人选择到国外寻找就业机会。通过讲述他们的经历,En tierra extraña 认为这一当代移民浪潮是西班牙未能建立摆脱佛朗哥独裁统治的民主的结果。这部电影将 21 世纪西班牙移民的经历与 1960 年代佛朗哥独裁统治下的西班牙移民历史以及最近从 1980 年代开始的西班牙移民历史进行对话。本文重点讨论电影对记忆的使用,并提出两个论点。首先,这部电影通过对当前的西班牙移民与 1960 年代发生的移民进行感同身受的比较,努力让观众参与其政治计划。其次,这部电影不太明确的目的是通过将当代非洲和拉丁美洲移民与西班牙移民进行比较来鼓励对西班牙当代非洲和拉丁美洲移民的同情,这忽略了前者的经历受到种族和法律地位问题的制约的方式。