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“Still Waters Run Deep”: Attitudes of Elementary School Teachers and Counselors Toward Shy Students
Journal of Research in Childhood Education ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2020.1836093
Yael Nadiv 1 , Tsameret Ricon 1


Shyness is a form of social isolation and withdrawal stemming from concerns about social judgment, particularly during new situations or tests. Shy students are afraid of interacting with others, leading to problems and frustration at school. Teachers play an important role in identifying and helping these students. The research objective was to compare teachers’ and counselors’ strategies and beliefs in dealing with shy students with their strategies and beliefs in dealing with average and exuberant students. The research examined whether these attitudes are influenced by type of student, gender, role, and teachers’/counselors’ own shyness. Research participants included 60 teachers and 60 counselors from state secular elementary schools across Israel who were presented with vignettes describing different types of children (shy, average, exuberant). The results revealed almost no differences between teachers and counselors in their beliefs or strategies. Both groups had a great deal of confidence in the academic and intellectual abilities of average students and much less in those of shy or exuberant students. Both preferred peer-focused strategies and indirect strategies (seeking information in the literature or from colleagues) than high-powered strategies. The findings clarify the importance of including shyness and student temperament in the educational counseling training curriculum.




害羞是一种社会孤立和退缩的形式,源于对社会判断的担忧,特别是在新情况或测试期间。害羞的学生害怕与他人互动,导致在学校出现问题和挫败感。教师在识别和帮助这些学生方面发挥着重要作用。研究目的是比较教师和辅导员在处理害羞学生时的策略和信念与他们在处理普通和活跃学生时的策略和信念。该研究检查了这些态度是否受到学生类型、性别、角色和教师/辅导员自身害羞的影响。研究参与者包括来自以色列各地公立世俗小学的 60 名教师和 60 名辅导员,他们收到了描述不同类型儿童(害羞、平均、旺盛)。结果显示,教师和辅导员在信仰或策略上几乎没有差异。两组都对普通学生的学术和智力能力充满信心,而对害羞或精力旺盛的学生则更少。与强大的策略相比,他们更喜欢以同伴为中心的策略和间接策略(在文献中或从同事那里寻求信息)。研究结果阐明了将害羞和学生气质纳入教育咨询培训课程的重要性。与强大的策略相比,他们更喜欢以同伴为中心的策略和间接策略(在文献中或从同事那里寻求信息)。研究结果阐明了将害羞和学生气质纳入教育咨询培训课程的重要性。与强大的策略相比,他们更喜欢以同伴为中心的策略和间接策略(在文献中或从同事那里寻求信息)。研究结果阐明了将害羞和学生气质纳入教育咨询培训课程的重要性。
