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The Shalem congregational assistance plan: a ten year retrospective
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought Pub Date : 2020-09-05 , DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2020.1802393
Mark Vander Vennen 1 , Marg Smit-Vandezande 1 , Ken Van Wyk 2 , Joanne Ebear 3 , Danielle VandenAkker 1 , Rick Csiernik 4

ABSTRACT A Congregational Assistance Program (CAP) is a unique initiative that appropriates the Employee Assistance model of service provision but instead of centering the counseling around the workplace for employees and their families uses the church as the hub. This article examines the ten-year developmental history of the first Canadian CAP situated in Ontario. The rationale for its development is provided along with how the program was first piloted. A narrative of its subsequent growth and development is offered along with outcome data detailing growth in church and household participation, service user demographics, utilization, and presenting issues. The article concludes by examining the future direction for CAP both in terms of service delivery and program evaluation.



摘要 公理会援助计划 (CAP) 是一项独特的举措,它采用了提供服务的员工援助模式,但不是围绕工作场所为员工及其家人提供咨询,而是以教堂为中心。本文考察了位于安大略省的第一个加拿大 CAP 的十年发展历史。提供了其开发的基本原理以及该计划的首次试点方式。提供了其后续增长和发展的叙述以及详细说明教会和家庭参与、服务用户人口统计、利用率和提出问题的增长的结果数据。文章最后通过在服务提供和项目评估方面研究 CAP 的未来方向来结束。