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Addressing anti-semitism in social work education
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2020.1871155
Carole Cox 1


Antisemitism, one of the oldest forms of prejudice and oppression is surging throughout the world. It ranges from verbal abuse to the destruction of property to murder. In the last two years, attacks against Jews in the United States were the overwhelming target of religion-based hate crimes. Stereotypes and myths continue to fuel prejudice and antisemitism in society. Factors such as anti-Israel sentiments, remarks by persons in power, the use of social media, white nationalism, and even the Covid 19 pandemic have contributed to its escalation.As a result of the increasing violence, the U.S. legislature held a hearing on confronting antisemitic terrorism with one outcome being that social workers and community advocates were needed to join law enforcement in the effort to heal and work for justice. Social work with its mandate to promote social justice and human rights and challenge oppression cannot ignore antisemitism and its impact on individuals and societies. However, the subject is basically ignored in the curriculum. This paper offers a brief history of antisemitism and presents guidelines and models for integrating it into social work programs.




反犹太主义是最古老的偏见和压迫形式之一,在世界范围内正在兴起。从口头虐待到财产毁坏再到谋杀。在过去的两年中,在美国针对犹太人的袭击是基于宗教的仇恨犯罪的压倒性目标。刻板印象和神话继续加剧社会中的偏见和反犹太主义。反以色列的情绪,当权者的言论,社交媒体的使用,白人民族主义甚至是Covid 19大流行等因素都助长了其升级。由于暴力事件的增加,美国立法机关举行了听证会。面对反犹太恐怖主义,其结果是,需要社会工作者和社区倡导者加入执法部门,以he愈和努力争取正义。具有促进社会正义和人权并挑战压迫的任务的社会工作不能忽视反犹太主义及其对个人和社会的影响。但是,该课程在课程中基本上被忽略。本文提供了反犹太主义的简要历史,并提出了将其纳入社会工作计划的指导方针和模型。
