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“Leave to quit boundaries”: Danger, precarity, and queer diasporas in the South Asian Caribbean
Journal of Postcolonial Writing ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2020.1866259
Christopher Ian Foster 1


Caribbean writer A.R.F. Webber’s 1917 Those That Be in Bondage is the first novel of the South Asian Caribbean. In it, he locates migration and sexuality within larger colonial systems spanning economics, race, class, and gender norms. Shani Mootoo’s 2008 novel, Valmiki’s Daughter, shows how queer lives are shaped in the Caribbean, and how they are often on the move, intersecting with the objects and conditions of migration. From big oil in Trinidad and its local and global displacements, to colonial heteronormativity and the dislocation of desires in the present, these narratives compel us to critically evaluate how racialized genders and sexualities shape liminal diasporas in the Caribbean. This article assesses contemporary and historical diasporas, focusing on bodies dislocated by racialized heteropatriarchy in colonial and postcolonial contexts via the lens of anti-colonial queer phenomenology.




加勒比海作家韦伯(ARF Webber)的1917年《束缚者》(The That Be in Bondage)是南亚加勒比海地区的第一部小说。在其中,他将移民和性行为定位在涵盖经济,种族,阶级和性别规范的较大殖民体系中。Shani Mootoo的2008年小说《瓦尔米基的女儿》,显示了加勒比海酷儿的生活是如何塑造的,以及他们如何经常与迁徙的对象和条件相交。从特立尼达的大石油及其局部和全球流离失所,到当前的殖民异质主义和欲望的错位,这些叙述都迫使我们批判性地评估了种族性别和性别如何塑造了加勒比海的流浪者。本文对当代和历史上的侨民进行了评估,重点是通过反殖民酷儿现象学的视角,在殖民地和后殖民背景下,种族化的异族家长制使身体错位。
