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Trauma-Sensitive Practices in Health Education
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-21 , DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2020.1811622
Tammy Wynard 1 , Sarah Benes 2 , Kevin Lorson 3

Two of the most important aspects of a health education teacher’s work are to meet the needs of all students in their classes and to create a safe space in which those students feel supported and valued. This charge often brings to mind ensuring safe spaces for students related to aspects of their identity, such as their gender identity, sexuality, race/ethnicity, religious beliefs, or ability. While health educators must continue to address these, current evidence reveals that trauma is another aspect of students' experiences that we must recognize, acknowledge, and respond to in practice. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is a term used to describe a range of potentially traumatic events such as abuse and neglect, but also untreated caregiver mental illness and household violence. ACEs have been linked to risky health behaviors, chronic health conditions, low life potential, and early death. The effects of ACEs and toxic stress may also impact the way students engage and behave in school. Health educators must be knowledgeable about ACEs and be equipped with strategies to ensure that they are implementing trauma-sensitive practices. This article provides an overview of key understandings about ACEs and trauma and describes approaches for trauma-sensitive practice in the health education classroom.



健康教育教师工作的两个最重要方面是满足班上所有学生的需求,并创造一个安全的空间,让这些学生感到受到支持和重视。这项指控常常让人想起确保与学生身份相关的安全空间,例如他们的性别认同、性取向、种族/民族、宗教信仰或能力。虽然健康教育者必须继续解决这些问题,但目前的证据表明,创伤是我们必须在实践中认识、承认和应对的学生经历的另一个方面。不良童年经历 (ACE) 是一个术语,用于描述一系列潜在的创伤性事件,例如虐待和忽视,但也包括未经治疗的看护者精神疾病和家庭暴力。ACE 与危险的健康行为有关,慢性健康状况、低生命潜力和早逝。ACE 和有毒压力的影响也可能影响学生在学校的参与和行为方式。健康教育者必须了解 ACE,并配备策略以确保他们正在实施对创伤敏感的做法。本文概述了对 ACE 和创伤的主要理解,并描述了健康教育课堂中创伤敏感实践的方法。