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Work, support and solitude: prisoners’ desistance expectations and self-regulating strategies
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2020.1863299
Emma Villman 1


This article explores how prisoners plan to achieve desistance from crime. In many respects, prisoners have poor prospects upon their release. A prisoner’s chances of reintegration can be hindered by conditions such as structural barriers, lack of social support, and the after-effects of imprisonment. Using qualitative interviews with prisoners (N = 45) who were serving at open low-security prisons in Finland, this analysis demonstrates that the majority of the prisoners had optimistic expectations and devised concrete plans for desistance. To achieve this desired change, the prisoners intended to use three self-regulating strategies; to secure employment or another daily routine, to seek help from others, and to shift surroundings. Even if work, support, and solitude are viable strategies for achieving desistance from crime, this article recognizes the risk of these self-regulating strategies failing due to inherent uncertainties and weak implementation intentions.




本文探讨了囚犯如何计划摆脱犯罪。在许多方面,囚犯获释后的前景不佳。囚犯重返社会的机会会受到诸如结构性障碍,缺乏社会支持以及监禁后遗症等条件的阻碍。对囚犯进行定性访谈(N = 45)在芬兰的开放式低安全性监狱中服役,这一分析表明,大多数囚犯抱有乐观的期望,并制定了具体的制止计划。为了实现这一预期的变化,囚犯打算使用三种自我调节策略;即,自律。确保就业或其他日常工作,寻求他人的帮助以及改变环境。即使工作,支持和独处是实现脱离犯罪的可行策略,本文也认识到由于固有的不确定性和实施意图薄弱而导致这些自我调节策略失败的风险。
