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Self-deception and the dark side of history: Gershom Scholem’s mythology of Counter-Enlightenment
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Pub Date : 2020-12-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14725886.2020.1844984
Daniel Weidner 1


Gershom Scholem was always skeptical about the promises of Enlightenment, which did not necessarily accompany the emancipation of the Jews and all too often implied the negation of their collective identity. To counter the myth of Enlightenment that drove Jewish assimilation, he developed a counter-narrative that can be conceived of as a critical mythology. To do so, he refered to Counter-Enlightenment thinkers as different as the cultural critic Friedrich Nietzsche, the Catholic kabbalist Franz Joseph Molitor, and the Neo-Orthodox rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. His historiography sketches a genealogy of Jewish Enlightenment that is not driven by abstract reason, but a result of an internal dialectics of the Jewish tradtion that culminates in antinomian sabbatinism. By depicting main protagonists of this genealogy, namely Sabbatai Sevi, Jakob Frank, and Moses Dobrushka, less as heroes than as ambivalent and obscure personalities, Scholem’s narrative becomes even more complex and gives a fascinating account of how Jewish thinking can learn from Counter-Enlightenment thought.




Gershom Scholem 一直对启蒙运动的承诺持怀疑态度,启蒙运动不一定伴随着犹太人的解放,而且常常暗示对他们集体身份的否定。为了对抗推动犹太人同化的启蒙神话,他开发了一种可以被视为批判神话的反叙事。为此,他将反启蒙思想家称为文化批评家弗里德里希尼采、天主教卡巴拉学者弗朗茨约瑟夫莫利托和新东正教拉比萨姆森拉斐尔赫希。他的史学勾勒了犹太启蒙运动的谱系,它不是由抽象理性驱动的,而是犹太传统内部辩证法的结果,最终导致了反律法主义的安息日。通过描绘这个家谱的主要主角,即萨巴泰·塞维、雅各布·弗兰克,
