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Terror Terroir: Building Disruptive Possibilities in Ivan Vladislavić’s The Folly
Journal of Literary Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2020.1822599
Wamuwi Mbao 1

Summary Ivan Vladislavić’s 1993 novel The Folly has received less critical attention than his other writing. The novel was republished recently and, in this article, I read The Folly as a text that, from the vantage point of 1993, stages white South African suburbia as a site fraught with tensions. In the novel, the appearance of a drifter on a terrain vague dissolves the certainties of a suburban neighbourhood, creating an inchoate but gnawing sense of threat that finds expression in the Malgas family. I argue that white suburbs are under-examined cultural sites whose mundanity disguises their disci- plining principles. I draw on experiences of inhabiting ‘white space’ as a Black person to read Vladislavić’s novel as parodying white unease towards spaces that disrupt the taut or smoothed surfaces of suburbia. This unease is reflected most visibly in the post-apartheid evolution of such suburbs into lifestyle clusters, security estates and other configurations of life that are arranged around the alleviation of white middle- class anxieties.


恐怖风土:在伊万·弗拉迪斯拉维奇 (Ivan Vladislavić) 的《愚蠢》(The Folly) 中构建颠覆性的可能性

总结 伊万·弗拉迪斯拉维奇 (Ivan Vladislavic) 1993 年的小说《愚蠢》(The Folly) 受到的批评关注度低于他的其他作品。这本小说最近重新出版,在这篇文章中,我将《愚蠢》读为一篇文本,从 1993 年的有利位置,将南非白人郊区描绘成一个充满紧张局势的地点。在小说中,流浪者在地形上的出现模糊了郊区社区的确定性,创造了一种早期但强烈的威胁感,这种威胁感在马尔加斯家族中得到了体现。我认为,白人郊区是未充分研究的文化遗址,它们的平凡掩盖了他们的纪律原则。我借鉴了作为黑人居住在“白色空间”的经验来阅读弗拉迪斯拉维奇的小说,以此来模仿白人对破坏郊区绷紧或光滑表面的空间的不安。