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Hijacking IKEA
Third Text ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2020.1841417
Na’ama Klorman-Eraqi

Abstract Stealing Beauty is a video performance by Guy Ben-Ner, where he films himself and his family surreptitiously in IKEA's Berlin, New York, and Netanya (Israel) showrooms. Stealing Beauty uses American family sitcom conventions to criticize global consumer culture and its related fantasies. Focusing on Stealing Beauty’s secret process of production I argue that it employs anarchist-like strategies that hijacked the space of consumer culture and evoked Guy Debord’s and Hakim Bey’s anti-consumerist writings. Although this work circulates in international fine arts arenas and self- references itself as an art commodity, Stealing Beauty’s use of hoax and critical engagements are further analysed as sharing elements with cultural-jamming practices by being subversive in public spaces and media arenas. Also addressed in this article are the gendered ramifications of Ben-Ner’s performance as an artist and as a father and how he employs his family as a subversive collectivity.



Abstract Stealing Beauty 是 Guy Ben-Ner 的视频表演,他在宜家柏林、纽约和内坦亚(以色列)的展厅偷偷拍摄自己和家人。Stealing Beauty 使用美国家庭情景喜剧的惯例来批评全球消费文化及其相关幻想。关注 Stealing Beauty 的秘密生产过程,我认为它采用了类似无政府主义者的策略,劫持了消费文化的空间,并引发了 Guy Debord 和 Hakim Bey 的反消费主义著作。尽管这件作品在国际美术舞台上流传,并自称是一种艺术商品,但《偷窃之美》对恶作剧和批判性参与的使用被进一步分析为通过在公共空间和媒体领域进行颠覆而与文化干扰实践共享元素。