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Saving the Clairmont Family Tomb
The Keats-Shelley Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2020.1822014
Sharon L. Joffe 1

ABSTRACT Charles Clairmont (1795–1850), the stepbrother of Mary Shelley and the brother of Claire Clairmont, lived in Vienna, Austria, with his family. He taught English to the brothers of Kaiser Franz Joseph I, namely Ferdinand Maximilian (who would be crowned Emperor of Mexico) and Karl Ludwig (whose son, Franz Ferdinand, would be killed in Sarajevo in 1914, an event that started the First World War). Charles also maintained a correspondence with Mary Shelley and was one of the members of the Shelley circle. After Charles’s death in 1850, he was buried in the Währing cemetery in Vienna. His grave was later moved to the Matzleinsdorf cemetery. Other Clairmont family members are buried in the family tomb. In 2018, I learned that the family tomb was going to be sold, the Clairmont remains would be reinterred in a collective tomb, and the existing gravestone would be removed. This paper describes my efforts to save the grave from destruction. Given the importance of Charles Clairmont to Shelley circle studies, I worked to have the tomb declared an ‘Ehrengräber’ (honorary grave), preserved forever by the city of Vienna. In November 2018, the mayor of Vienna approved the request and the grave will be preserved for posterity.



摘要 Charles Clairmont (1795–1850) 是 Mary Shelley 的继兄弟和 Claire Clairmont 的兄弟,与家人住在奥地利维也纳。他为德皇弗朗茨约瑟夫一世的兄弟,即费迪南德马克西米利安(他将被加冕为墨西哥皇帝)和卡尔路德维希(他的儿子弗兰茨费迪南德于 1914 年在萨拉热窝被杀,这一事件引发了第一次世界大战)教了英语)。查尔斯还与玛丽雪莱保持着通信,并且是雪莱圈子的成员之一。查尔斯于 1850 年去世后,他被安葬在维也纳的 Währing 公墓。他的坟墓后来搬到了马茨莱因斯多夫公墓。其他克莱尔蒙特家族成员被埋葬在家族墓中。2018年,我得知家族墓将被出售,克莱尔蒙遗骸将重新安葬在集体墓中,现有的墓碑将被移除。这篇论文描述了我为拯救坟墓免遭破坏所做的努力。鉴于查尔斯克莱尔蒙特对雪莱圈子研究的重要性,我努力将该墓宣布为“Ehrengräber”(荣誉坟墓),由维也纳市永久保存。2018 年 11 月,维也纳市长批准了该请求,坟墓将被保留为后世。