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Judicial perspectives of the ideological significance of gross national happiness to the judiciary: Ensuring fair trial to self-represented criminal defendants in Bhutan
The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/07329113.2020.1855940
Karma Tshering 1

Abstract This article presents judicial perspectives on the relevance of Gross National Happiness (GNH) to the judiciary and its ideological significance in the specific context of ensuring fair trials to self-represented criminal defendants (SRCDs) and administering (criminal) justice in Bhutan. The article draws on the findings from semi-structured qualitative interviews with 16 Bhutanese Justices and Judges around the country. The findings suggest that GNH is judicially perceived as a legislated responsibility of the judiciary and an integral aspect of and highly influential on administering fair criminal justice to SRCDs in Bhutan. In practice, GNH as part of the judicial process can inspire a more humane and holistic approach to administering justice, contributing to fairer trials and more satisfied litigants, as well as more happiness in the justice sector.



摘要 本文提出了关于国民幸福总值 (GNH) 与司法机构的相关性及其在确保不丹自我辩护刑事被告 (SRCD) 公平审判和执行(刑事)司法的特定背景下的意识形态意义的司法观点。本文借鉴了对全国 16 位不丹法官和法官的半结构化定性访谈的结果。调查结果表明,GNH 在司法上被视为司法部门的一项立法责任,并且是对不丹 SRCD 实施公平刑事司法的一个不可或缺的方面,并且对其具有重要影响。在实践中,GNH 作为司法程序的一部分可以激发更人道和整体的司法方法,有助于更公平的审判和更满意的诉讼当事人,