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Governance, Fragility and Insurgency in the Sahel: A Hybrid Political Order in the Making
The International Spectator ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2020.1835324
Morten Bøås 1 , Francesco Strazzari 1, 2

ABSTRACT Once a region that rarely featured in debates about global security, the Sahel has become increasingly topical as it confronts the international community with intertwined challenges related to climate variability, poverty, food insecurity, population displacement, transnational crime, contested statehood and jihadist insurgencies. This Special Issue discerns the contours of political orders in the making. After situating the Sahel region in time and space, we focus on the trajectory of regional security dynamics over the past decade, which are marked by two military coups in Mali (2012 and 2020). In addressing state fragility and societal resilience in the context of increasing external intervention and growing international rivalry, we seek to consider broader and deeper transformations that can be neither ignored nor patched up through the framework of the ‘war on terror’ projected onto ‘ungoverned spaces’. Focusing especially on the mobilisation of material and immaterial resources, we apply political economy lenses in combination with a historical sociological approach to shed light on how extra-legal governance plays a crucial role in the deformation, transformation and reformation of political orders.



摘要 萨赫勒地区曾经是一个鲜少出现在全球安全辩论中的地区,但随着国际社会面临气候变异、贫困、粮食不安全、人口流离失所、跨国犯罪、有争议的国家地位和圣战叛乱等相互交织的挑战,它变得越来越受到关注。本期特刊揭示了正在形成的政治秩序的轮廓。在对萨赫勒地区进行时空定位之后,我们关注过去十年地区安全动态的轨迹,以马里的两次军事政变(2012 年和 2020 年)为标志。在外部干预和国际竞争日益加剧的背景下,解决国家脆弱性和社会复原力问题,我们试图考虑更广泛和更深层次的转变,这些转变既不能被忽视,也不能通过投射到“不受控制的空间”的“反恐战争”框架来修补。我们特别关注物质和非物质资源的动员,结合历史社会学方法,运用政治经济学视角来阐明法外治理如何在政治秩序的变形、转型和改革中发挥关键作用。