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A pattern of violence: Muscogee (Creek Indian) women in the eighteenth century and today’s MMIWG – the missing and murdered indigenous women & girls
The Historian Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1080/00182370.2020.1824966
Bryan C. Rindfleisch


This article details how the current epidemic of violence against Indigenous women in North America – as well as Native-led movements like Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls (MMIWG) – is connected to and rooted in the historical past. Using the case of the Muscogee (Creek) peoples and their interactions with the Spanish, French, English, and Americans in the eighteenth-century, this manuscript grapples with the acts of sexual violence enacted by Euro-Americans, how Muscogee men and women responded to such violence, and the legacies of such violence today. The author intends to spark a conversation among historians, particularly scholars of the American South, to finally extend the conversations about sexual violence to the history of Indigenous Peoples.


一种暴力方式:18世纪的Muscogee(克里克印第安人)妇女和今天的MMIWG –失踪和被谋杀的土著妇女和女孩


