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A national intervention in teaching phonics: A case study from England
The Educational and Developmental Psychologist ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1017/edp.2020.14
Rhona Stainthorp 1

Abstract At the start of the 21st century, literacy teaching in state primary schools was conducted under a framework guided by a National Literacy Strategy, which recommended a model of reading called ‘The Searchlights Model’. Early on it became clear that rises in performance predicted from adoption of this strategy were not happening. This led to a review of the effective teaching of early reading under the chairmanship of Sir Jim Rose (Rose, 2006). Rose recommended that the Simple View of Reading (Gough & Tunmer, 1986) be adopted as a framework. It also recommended that pupils be taught how to read words in the first instance through the adoption of programs of systematic synthetic phonics. A change in government reinforced this policy and added a national program of early assessment of grapheme-phoneme knowledge. These changes uncovered an important issue: namely that there was no national program for ensuring that teachers had the necessary professional subject knowledge to teach phonics effectively. Steps have been taken to mitigate this. The most recent data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies (PIRLS) 2016 study suggests that England is now beginning to close the achievement gap, with the pupils in the lowest percentiles making the most improvement.



摘要 21世纪初,国立小学的扫盲教学是在国家扫盲战略指导的框架下进行的,该战略推荐了一种名为“探照灯模式”的阅读模式。早期很明显,采用这种策略所预测的性能提升并没有发生。这导致在吉姆·罗斯爵士 (Rose, 2006) 的主持下,对早期阅读的有效教学进行了审查。罗斯建议采用简单的阅读观(Gough & Tunmer,1986)作为框架。它还建议通过采用系统合成语音程序,首先教会学生如何阅读单词。政府的更迭加强了这一政策,并增加了一项对字素-音素知识进行早期评估的国家计划。这些变化揭示了一个重要问题:即没有国家计划来确保教师拥有必要的专业学科知识来有效地教授语音。已采取措施减轻这种情况。2016 年国际阅读素养研究进展 (PIRLS) 研究的最新数据表明,英格兰现在开始缩小成绩差距,分数最低的学生进步最大。