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Against a reading of a sacred landscape: Raja Shehadeh rewrites the Palestinian presence in Palestinian Walks
Prose Studies Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/01440357.2020.1850168
Hania A. M. Nashef 1

ABSTRACT In his introduction to Palestinian Walks, Raja Shehadeh remarks that in spite of the great number of travelers to Palestine, travel literature, for the most part, willfully ignored the living experience and existence of the land’s inhabitants. Often, Palestine was the imaginary place that was continuously invented to confirm religious and political beliefs. The Biblical imagination, along with the orientalist gaze, informed the accounts, and anything that did not correspond to the preconceived repertoire was quickly discarded. The native inhabitants were the first victims. At best professed the savage other, they were not considered the land’s rightful owners. Palestine was symbolically colonized in the Western imagination long before the British mandate. This vanishing homeland is a subject that dominates Shehadeh’s nonfiction narrative. Accounts of his walks expose parts of his homeland’s beauty and rewrite the Palestinian presence in its place, providing a counter-narrative to the Biblical imagination.



摘要 在介绍巴勒斯坦徒步旅行时,拉贾·谢哈德 (Raja Shehadeh) 评论道,尽管有大量游客前往巴勒斯坦,但旅行文学在很大程度上故意忽视了这片土地上居民的生活经历和存在。通常,巴勒斯坦是一个虚构的地方,不断被发明以确认宗教和政治信仰。圣经的想象,连同东方主义的凝视,为这些记载提供了信息,任何与先入为主的曲目不符的东西很快就被抛弃了。当地居民是第一批受害者。充其量自称是野蛮的其他人,他们不被视为土地的合法所有者。早在英国委任统治之前,巴勒斯坦就在西方的想象中象征性地被殖民。这个消失的家园是一个主导 Shehadeh 非小说叙事的主题。