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Kant and the “Old formula of the schools”
Philosophical Explorations ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1080/13869795.2020.1868115
Robert B. Louden 1


In this essay I offer a new interpretation of Kant’s discussion of “the old formula of the schools” in the Critique of Practical Reason – “nihil appetimus, nisi sub ratione boni; nihil aversamur, nisi sub ratione mali [We desire nothing except under the guise of the good; nothing is avoided except under the guise of the bad]” (KPV 5: 59). This “old formula,” referred to in recent years as “the guise of the good thesis,” has been endorsed by a number of prominent Western philosophers over the centuries – e.g. Socrates, Aristotle, and Aquinas, to name only a few. Indeed, it is commonly taken to be the dominant position within the history of Western philosophy. Accordingly, most commentators have also claimed that Kant too endorses the old formula. I argue, in opposition to the received view, that Kant is by no means a wholehearted and unqualified supporter of the old formula. He does not hold that the good is necessarily that which every rational agent desires.




在这篇文章中,我对康德在实践理性批判中对“学校的旧模式”的讨论进行了新的诠释。尼尔·阿弗萨穆尔(nihil subversenur),马里[我们除以商品为幌子外,一无所求;除非以坏人为幌子,否则什么也不能避免”(KPV 5:59)。数个世纪以来,许多著名的西方哲学家都认可了这种“旧公式”,即“好论文的幌子”,例如苏格拉底,亚里士多德和阿奎那,仅举几例。确实,它通常被认为是西方哲学史上的主导地位。因此,大多数评论家也声称康德也认可旧的公式。我认为,与所接受的观点相反,康德绝不是旧公式的全心全意的支持者。他并不认为善良必然是每个理性代理人所渴望的。
