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Interweaving Deaf and Hearing Cultural Practices in Performance Processes
Performance Research ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2020.1842600
Michael Richardson

This article draws on doctoral research that explored methods of making theatre that use hybrid performance practices to provide equality of participation in theatrical events for deaf and hearing people. The social and political contexts of the deaf and hearing communities in the UK demonstrate hierarchical power dynamics resulting in the ongoing oppression of deaf people by the hearing hegemony. In the theatre this is expressed through the use of the sign language interpreted performance as the primary means of encouraging deaf people to participate in theatre, despite deaf spectators considering them ineffective. The research involved ten actors (half self-identifying as deaf and half as hearing) who devised performances intended to be equally accessible to deaf and hearing people. These performances were shown to a mixed audience, who gave feedback in focus groups. In this article I discuss the nine performance pieces created, analysing them within three theoretical frameworks: materiality, with a focus on the hybridity of their corporeality and linguality; multilingualism; and cross-culturality. The analysis reveals that in the interest of offering equality of participation, the actors maximised the potential for hybridity made possible by the range of linguistic and cultural identities within the ensemble. Despite this, the majority of the devised scenes were not perceived by the spectators as being equally accessible to deaf and hearing people. Deaf people preferred pieces in which language access was not compromised, and which portrayed aspects of the deaf experience. By contrast hearing spectators were more concerned with issues of quality rather than the effectiveness of hybridity in promoting equality or participation.


